{chapter four} thunderstorms and goodnight kisses

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{Author's Note: Yay a new chapter! Thunderstorm room to the right. Enjoy!}


I shifted awkwardly in my seat, my eyes wandering back and forth across the class room, hoping to 'secretly' steal a glance at my new biology partner. On the seventh time, I found him slouched in his chair, resting his chin in both his hands.

Shockingly enough, his eyes were already on me and his nutmeg-brown hair fell over them. Instinctly I turned away, red blush seeping through my skin up to my cheeks. I directly turned my attention back to Mrs. Chambers as she was finishing her speech.

"And I'll give you a month to work on your presentations." Mrs. Chambers said adjusting the brim of her glasses. "You will be selecting one of the ten catergories, and I'll give you an assignment from which you pick. You must cite at least three outside sources. Also, your presentation will be demonstrated together."

As much as I hated to admit it, I had really begun to enjoy the last four days of biology. Okay maybe not enjoy but it had definitely been better than before when I didn't even have a partner, or someone to talk to. Even though I made it seem like I was in hell whenever I was around Jace, I actually am starting to become quite fond of him.

"I'll give you and your partner time to discuss which category you will be choosing from," the teacher informed us.

"Looks like you were transferred just in time," I smirked halfheartedly.

Before Jace could respond Mrs. Chambers stopped in front of our conjoined desks holding a pile of manilla folders. "Barker, Tiffany. Which subject have you decided on?"

I looked up to the green chalkboard at the front of the class to see all of the ten options presented in white chalk scrambled across the board in cursive.

"Uhm. . ." I trailed off, straining my eyes to see the board.

Animal behavior, biochemistry, development, DNA and RNA, ecology, genetics, immunology, microbiology, molecules, and viruses. I thought that viruses would be most interesting, and animal behavior would probably be really easy, but before I could speak Jace told her.

"Development," he deadpanned, and Mrs. Chambers dropped a file on our desk. He reached for it and flipped through the papers inside. He then started to laugh.

"What's so funny?" I questioned.

He raised his eyebrows at me, and gestured for me to read our topic, as he continued to laugh. I opened the file, and instantly rolled my eyes. "Oh my God. You're such a moron."

"This is going to be the best assignment," he chuckled softly.

"Cleavage embryos, you perv. Get your head out of the gutter."

He continued to laugh. Even harder than he just was. "So anyways," I snapped. "It's a five minute presentation. How do you reckon we're going to get through this?"

 And by then he was still in fact laughing. I gave up by throwing my arms in the air, and getting up to ask permission to use the hall pass. Once I was out of the classroom and into the hallway, I took the longest route possible to the bathroom. The longer I was out of there, the better.

Throwing open the door to the girls bathroom, I found someone I had been trying to avoid for the past week. It was Krystal Morales.

Krystal was Jace's off and on girlfriend. Sure, Jace had to maintain his reputation and keep his name in place, so he went out with other girls, but the girl he kept going back to was Krystal. She'd always be considered his girlfriend. Well, fuckfriend if you really want to get down to what they really do in there spare time.

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