{chapter one} onto the rollercoaster

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{Author's Note: Adriana on sideee--------->>

And I'd like to clarify, I love this look on Adriana, but I picture her with light brown eyes. Other than that, she's perfect for my vision on her. Enjoy!}


My favorite blue sundress was being shaded into an eery grey due to the long dark clouds shading everything beneath them. Everyone knew it was going to rain, but knowing so, actually drew more students outside for lunch rather than scaring them in. Here in Seattle, everyone either loved the rain, or moved away.

This is why when I learned of the up coming move, I begged for it to be here; I too, love the rain. It was the fourth move this year, and I didn't know if I could be the new girl again. My parents weren't exactly the most willing, or caring, so I was actually quite shocked when they approved my suggestion, moving to Seattle. It's been three months since the move, and I've made a total of one friend. That's progress in my opinion, because in the past moves, I haven't made any.

I watched in amazement, how I witnessed one guy playing at least three dozen girls, as fast as he possibly could. I had noticed the different girls attached to his hip every other day ever since I'd moved here, and it still ceased to amaze me. Were girls really that stupid?

I even got to the point where I nicknamed all of them. Keeping tabs on the latest girl. Lengthy, Bug-Eyes, 'Another' Cheerleader. How he managed to skim through the girls at West Lake, one after another after another, beat me.

And right before my eyes, I watched as he broke up with another one.

Jace's color for the week -which happened to be Grace Timbers, a tall and skinny girl with bony fingers and cheekbones. A pretty girl, but not someone I would have thought to have seen Jace with. He was losing his touch. Running out of girls to be with- fled from the table they were sitting at, mascara filled tears soaking her olive skin.

I watched Jace. It was lunch hour, and mid October. The crispy autumn leaves had already started to fall. Right as Grace left, so did the blossoming grey clouds, parting just enough to shine some sun glowing onto Jace's warm honey colored skin. He sat back in his chair, not even caring that everybody's eyes were on him. He seemed used to it.

I chewed the end of my straw, and took another drink of the pineapple smoothie. Unshockingly, I was already falling behind in my pre-calculus class, so I pulled out a slip of paper and began the homework that was due a few days before. Before I knew it, I had filled in at least a dozen answers, and lunch was almost over. I suddenly felt a looming shadow, shrouding over my shoulder.

As if I wasn't just thinking about him, it appeared to be Jace himself, watching in a hawk-like way. "Uhm," I began, pulling my headphones from my ears. "Do you need something?"

His brown, messy hair was heading in every which direction sprouting out of his red beanie, as if he had styled it that way. With the sun glowing through his hair, you could see the hints of blond, making it look almost an auburn. He wore a black sweatshirt with California printed across in white lettering and dark jeans. He watched, that dumb smirk slapped onto his face.

He slid his hands into his pockets and sat next to me at the rounded lunch table. "You're new here, aren't you?" he asked. Before I could respond, he jumped right in and said, "Maybe I could show you around a bit. I'm pretty sure we have this class together." He gestured towards my calculus book.

I highly doubt it.

"Well I'm new but-"

"But, perfect. How about I give you my number and if you ever get lost you just give me a call."

Wow, we've got a really smooth fucker here. "New, but not that new." I rolled my eyes and closed my book over the top of my pencil and homework sheet, standing up. "It's fine. I've been here a couple months, so I think I've got it."

He began to laugh. ''Dude you're short." I rolled my eyes and ignored him. My peak of height rested below his shoulders.

I'm about to step outside of the black table, and away from Jace when a thought popped into my head. Jace had always broken girls' hearts, but had he ever been broken? The thought dug into my skull, intriguing. I had an idea.

I stood kind of awkwardly and said, "Actually. Would you mind if I did? I get lost to E hall a lot, and isn't that where calculus is?"

He'd already scrawled his number and name onto a small piece of stationary paper, and was prepared to hand it to me, smirking. The lunch bell rang and I was saved for any awkward small talk, for now at least.

I was actually shocked to find that Jace was in my math class. He sat at the perfect angle where he could turn just enough to see me, and send me multiple dazzling smirks. This was my worst subject and now I had an attractive distraction.

After class he stopped me in the hall and asked me out. I had to force myself to ignore his beautiful brown eyes boring into my head. I replied confidently, "Actually, you can." He leaned back against the wall I was leaning against and gestured his hands as if it to say, go on. The smirk playing on his lips made me bite my own. "Well, here's the deal," I started.

I couldn't even believe I was doing this. I was the new girl. Hidden by everyone else. Was I really going to throw myself into the pile of girls he was going to just toss aside in a matter of time? Amused, he waved an eyebrow at me. "Let's hear it." His voice made my heart leap.

I studied his eyes and a smile cracked on my lips. "So let's play a game." My mind and heart beat raced considering how close our lips were. I kept myself seeming concentrated, though. He really looked interested now. He stared into my mocha brown eyes and grinned.

I stood taller. "So how do you play this game?" he said, leaning forward.

"That's the fun part," I began. "Let's sweet talk, play fight, talk 24/7. Let's tell eachother good morning and good night every day. Take eachother on long walks, give nicknames, hang out with each others' friends. We would go on dates together, talk on the phone all night long, hold each other, and kiss and hug. The whole package"

I felt almost out of breath once I had finished. It made it seem more dramatic, in some way. I unlocked our gaze and watched the other students in the crowded hallways. They were all staring back. Must be a package deal with Jace. Everyone had their eyes on him. I turned my head back towards him, and he was standing in front of me, arms crossed.

I went on, "And whoever falls in love first?" Taking in a long breath I stood on my toes and whispered in his ear. "Loses."

"You make it sound like I don't know how to fall in love," he said, intrigued.

"I'm not saying you don't know how, I'm just saying you don't know how to act when you do."

And with that, I walked away, letting my tall black high heels click against the dingy ash colored concrete. What did I just do?

Moments into the next period, I got a text from an unknown number I'll take you up for that offer. I bit my lip, and knew immediately it was from no one other than Jace.

In between a smirk, I knew I had just engaged myself onto a bumpy, emotional rollercoaster


{Author's Note: Yay, a chapter! :) Okay, so I'm super sorry if you read this before hand, because if you've noticed, I've made a couple major changes. I had a chapter before this, and it was probably the stupidest thing I've ever wrote. And here it starts to get.. I guess you can say moving. For one thing, I changed her name from Indiana to Adriana, so not too big but it's noticeable. Also, I put in more details like how she moved yada yada. Oh! And she didn't ask him this time, now it's vice versa. Soooo here's this, update probably not until next week (End of the year testing. Joy). Okay then. Hope you enjoyed! If you have, please comment, and vote!


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