7: Numbness

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I found myself packed in Jace's tiny dodge neon after telling him at lunch I would go over to his house to play games. The only one of our gang who wasn't going to be there was Kathy because she had a date with her boyfriend who we still have yet to meet.

"Jace why do you have such a small car?"

"Annalise, do you have a car?"


"Then shut up!"

Vince and Jace started to laugh from the front seat. It didn't take too long to get to Jace's house. We piled out of his car and went in through the garage into his basement or the "rec" room.

"So what first? Rock Band or Call of Duty?"

"Rock Band!" I shouted.

"Call of Duty" the rest added.

I sighed, I sucked so bad at COD it wasn't even funny.

"Fineee" I whined.

We played COD until they got tired of me always dying and played rock band for the remaining time.

Nobody Said Life Was Going to be Easy. And I, Should Have Known BetterWhere stories live. Discover now