Chapter 1- starting over... Again

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"Get up lily, you'll be late!" My mother practically screams from the other side of the bare hallway. I just roll over and pretend I didn't hear a thing. "Rooaarrrr, look liwy I'm a dinosaauurr" max bursts into my room with his new dinosaur t-shirt on that he got for his 4th birthday last week. "MAX GET OUT" I yell, "honestly max bloody hell!"  "Lily don't speak to your brother like that, get out of bed or you will miss the bus" my mum calls out from the kitchen.
I walk out of my bedroom (well it's hardly 'my' bedoom because I have nothing in it besides a bed) and stumble out through the empty house, the smell of paint entering my nostrils, resulting in my stomach feeling nauseous. "Ooh lil! Looking so good in your new uniform!" My mother exclaims as she unclips max from his high chair. "It's like the 100th one I've had this year" I mumble, and with that my mother looks down at the ground and freezes. I know she is doing her best, but moving every year (sometimes even more often) really sucks, and it's a touchy subject to bring up with her, she gets really defensive. "Lily we've been through this, I'm doing the best I can, I'm trying so hard, but since your father passed, I've had trouble getting a permanent job, so we must move around if you want a roof over your head and food on the table, don't argue with me on this, please, not again" she lets out a small sigh, "I know, sorry mum, I gotta go though, love you bye". I walk to the fridge and grab an apple and a musli bar, put them in my bag and head out the door to the bus stop.

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