Chapter 3- Noosa High

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"So yeah, this is pretty much it, Noosa high, it's so huge huh?" cally sarcastically said, and let out a small chuckle. "It's not all that bad" I say and shrug. It was a simple and small high school, not a lot of color, and smelled a little funny, but it was kinda cute, and at least it wasn't a strict Catholic school. "Well, it looks like you have most classes with me, maths b with Mr T , modern with Mrs N, English with Mrs H, and legal with Mr F, I don't do bio, but that's the only one we aren't together in" cally says, looking at my timetable. "Yeah sounds good" I say looking over her shoulder at my timetable, resting in cally's well-manicured hands. "So do i have a core class? Like where I go every morning and where a roll gets marked? Or something like that? I ask, "ahaha nope, we aren't as organized here, we just go to our first class where they check the roll, class starts at 9 so we better get going, she says looking at her watch then puts her arm up to my face, showing me the time. " yea okay, where are our lockers?" I ask, "your in lockers are in the same block as mine, Erin just left the school, and she was beside me, you can have that locker" she says, and with that we speed up our pace and head to the lockers, grab out our books and stuff for class and I follow cally like a lost puppy to our class. "English first, then you have bio" she says, we walk into class and sit down.
"Okay so you have bio in J block, so head towards our lockers then chuck a left, you'll see it" cally explains as we walk out of english. "Yea okay, then it's lunch hey?" I ask, "yep I'll meet you at the lockers, have fun in bio, bye" and with that she rushes off. I find the class room relatively easily, and I walk in, and take the only seat available. "Oi" I hear a familiar guys voice call, I spin around and directly behind me is Riley, leaning back, slumping in his seat with a cheeky toothy grin on his face. "Oh, um hey, Riley right?" I ask, "sure am" he smirks "I think this is when you tell me your name" he says, raising his eyebrow, gosh cocky much? "Lily" I let out a small chuckle. "Nice to meet ya lily" he winks and holds out his hand, I take it and we shake hands, then I just half heartily smiled, and turn around to face the front of the classroom. During class we were told to work with partners for out assignment. I feel a tap on my shoulder and swing around to find Riley smiling at me, "you seem like you know your shit in bio, wanna be my partner?" He asked, smirking. "Sure, if you do your fair share of work" I smirked and walked over to a science bench, and started measuring out the acid. "So your new here aren't ya?" Riley inquires, "mhm" I say, not looking up from the measuring tube
"Where'd you move from?" He asked, fixated on my face, which kinda made me blush, "Jesus could you not burn a hole in my face, I'm trying to concentrate" I joke, "didn't answer my question" he says, not moving a muscle, "all over the place, my mum moves a lot, and wherever she goes, max and I go" I say, mixing the acid and a few other chemicals, not looking at him. "Is max your brother?" He asks, "yup, can you pass me the stopwatch please?" I say holding my hand out, still concentrating on the experiment. "Cool, so are you gonna leave here after a while? Riley asks sliding the stopwatch across the bench "your guess is as good as mine" I say, setting the timer, and turning around to face him "my mum might stay at this job, but she also might move us to somewhere else, I don't know" I explain, jumping up and sitting on the bench next to the experiment "aw okay, so where did you come from this time?" he asked, walking closer to me, but is still taller then me when I'm sitting on the bench, I break our intense eye contact and look at the floor. "Brisbane city, right in the middle" I say fiddling with my thumbs "well the beach life will be a change then, and all the hot surfer guys aye" he winked and nudged me with his elbow, before I could reply the timer beeped, I jump of the bench and write the temperature of the chemical mixture. "Okay class once you've finished you can go" miss calls out, I pour the experiment down the sink and wipe down the benches "so we might have to work on this outside of class, what's your number?" Riley asks, rinsing out the test tubes, "got a pen?" I ask, he hands me a pen and I write it on his arm *bell rings* "cool I'll text ya tonight, bye lily" I smile and we go our separate ways, I walk out towards the lockers.

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