she was perfect.

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Right now I'm in my best friend's flat, Cassie. I didn't know where else to go. I wasn't about to face Harry; I stuck into our flat when he was passed out on the bathroom floor to get my stuff. It broke me to see him there, lying there, curls all over the floor, face stained from tears. The apartment was a mess. Pretty much anything glass we owned was broken, and it looked as though all the alcohol had been run dry. I was currently having my fair share of alcohol at the moment, I was on my what 5th, 8th, don't know how many beers. But on floor of Cassie's guest room, staring up at the ceiling, while my phone lit up from missed call, after missed call from Harry, it didn't really matter. In a way I wanted nothing more than to just answer him. Just hear him out, forgive him, go home, feel his lips run down my neck in apology. I couldn't do that though, I wanted to, but the sound of that zipper being undone was burned into brain, and I didn't know if there was anyway of removing it. I looked down at my phone with a sigh as it light up for the 900th time, to see it was a different caller ID who sent a text this time. It was Louis.

"How bad?" Was all it read. I released a breath into the air as I typed in my passcode in to respond to him.

"Bad Lou, bad." Was all I texted back.

"I'm sorry love." He sent back to me moments later. I felt a tear creep its way down my cheek as I responded to him

"Me too...just, just make sure he'll be okay Lou." I wiped it away as I read Louis's responds

"Always." I threw my phone on the bed face down knowing our conversation was over. What now? What the fuck do I do now? 

One knock, two knocks, I should pretend that she woke me up now, and not that I spent the whole night on the floor staring up at the ceiling drinking away every feeling that I've ever had. I pushed myself up off the ground with quite the struggle, as I haven't moved from my position in hours. I sighed as I bent down to hide the many empty bottles before opening the door. I was trying to go as quickly as I could but the wood floor didn't do wonders for my back. When everything was hid away I ambled over to the door and closed my eyes for a second before opening it, to put the mask of 'I'm going to be fine' on my face.

"Hey, sorry Cas I'm a heavy sleeper, you know?" I said trying to put my best acting skills to work.

"Yea, I know that a little too well." She said with a chuckle referring to our high school sleepers overs, when I might or might not have rolled on top of her, while sleeping, and just chilled there, not really phased by her trying to wake me up, to get me off. I gave her a slight smile of recognition to what she was talking about. "Anyways I'm about to get ready to go to work, and...Umm...I was just wondering how you're doing?" Her face became very serious and almost a bit nervous at asking if I was okay because I don't think she knew what to do if I wasn't, no one did.

"Yea, yea I'm fine...I'll be fine. I think I'm going to go back to sleep though if that's okay, while your gone..." I said rubbing my eyes for affect.

"Yes, love, sleep. There's ice cream in the fridge, you know I have a shit load of chick flicks, and tissues. So when you wake up that's what I would do, instead of pretending your okay." She just looked at me like a very disapproving mother, for the fact that I even tried to slip the 'I'm fine' card past her. I just smiled a little and looked down with sigh. When I looked back up she was pulling me into a hug, with her hand rubbing up and down my back. "I know I have no idea what happened because you won't tell me," her voice got a little firmer with the acknowledge of that fact, "But I love you Y/n, I always will love you, and I'm not going to bullshit you, maybe it won't be okay. Maybe everything will just fall apart and suck balls. But guess what? I'll be here with you to pick the pieces up and put them back together. I'll always be here, no matter how bad it is, promise." I just squeezed her tighter in response. Her words wrapped around my like a comforting blanket placed upon an infant by it's mother. For some reason it just made me feel safe for the first time in awhile, God I loved her. "Ooh and Notting Hill is among one of my many chick flicks, so I'm pretty sure if you're not watching that when I get home, that you are not my best friend, and must be a complete impostor." I started chuckling at that a little. She knew that was my favorite movie. I'd made her watch it with me like a million times.

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