Then That Was It.

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“Yea, yea. Sure it is.” I responded to him half-heartedly returning to the search.

“Harry seriously. This is good. I was just kidding about the coat closet mate.” He paused for a second to give me an awkward laugh before continuing. “Harry I’m sorry but you’re idiot if you don’t see how much this girl loves you right now. She is coming. She has no other reason to come if it weren’t for you. Yes she misses the boys and I, but after all that’s happened its pretty obvious that you’re the reason she’s coming; that she’s ready to give you another chance. So mate stop acting like a run over kitten and get your ass in the car so we wont be late to a party that I’m hosting.” Louis finished with his usually dramatic arms in the air, finger pointing, eyes bugging, agree with me statement closer. I sighed before responding,

“You don’t get it do you? Now it’s up to me. The ball is in my court. Not that is hasn’t been the whole time really, but now I have to prove myself. I have to give her a reason to stay, when I’m not even sure myself. At this point in my life I wish I was someone else, so I could get away from me. I suck bro. I just don’t really know what to do right now…fuck that I don’t know what to do ever, never, future, past, present I just don’t know what to fucking do.” I breathed at the end of all this finally letting it all out.

“Ooh harry shut the fuck up. You can suck sometimes I agree. You fucked up a few weeks ago with Y/n I’m not gonna lie. But you are a great guy. I am someone else if you haven’t notice and I don’t want to get away from you, I love you. You’re my brother, my best friend, so shut up. You don’t have to know anything, but that you love her, which you do. So just show her the truth, be real, show her what you feel. Sure that might sound gay, but fuck it love is love and being true to it is the only way it will work out in the end. And obviously Y/n loves you. She has her many opportunities to get away from you, but yet she chooses again and again to stick around. I don’t think you have anything to lose here bro. Just go love the girl that loves you, and don’t hurt her again. Like I’ve said before you guys are the ones everyone hates you’re so perfect together, so go be perfect again. As much as we all hate it, we miss it. Plus Y/n practically feeds all of us, so we’ve been like starved, we actually probably need her back more than you.” Louis tried to joke with me and gently punched my shoulder to try and lighten the mood. It helped. His words defiantly helped. He was right. I loved this girl, and she obviously cared for me somewhat to be showing up tonight. I didn’t know much of anything at the moment. My head felt like clouded fog being weighted down, but through the fog the only thing I could make out was her, Y/n. So I would go. I would get her back. I would love her, and quite frankly I would never let her go again.

“True we also enjoy being nauseously perfect as well, thanks.” I punched him back and laughed at my own dumb joke.

“Ooh whatever asshole, just come on we’re going to be late, like always.” Louis responded while trying to fight laughing.

(Your Pov)

 I looked down at myself as I was getting out of the car completely regretting every decision that led up to this moment. I didn’t feel anywhere near attractive enough to be doing this right now. I knew Louis, unfortunately, and a ‘little get together’ meant too many people in his flat, many of them including models, actors, other dumb, pretty people who where likely to make me feel more like shit then I’d really rather.

One, two, three damn I’m here. Ugh. Poo. Ew. Deep breathe. I could feel my palms become sweater, and the blood rush to my face as my hand hovered over the doorbell.

“Damn Ms. Y/L/N! You’re the last person I was excepting to see here.” I heard a male voice say rather loudly behind me. I slowly turned around to be face to face with once again another regret. Jake. Too many beers, insecurities, and dark thoughts to know any better all put into one short relationship. We happened long before Harry, but yet recent enough for the wound to still be closing and the awkwardness to be clouded around us.

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