Drinking Competition

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Two kingdoms, the Ashanti and Ewe kingdoms of Ghana, decided to hold a drinking competition to test one supremacy. A week to the competition, the Ewes sent delegate, Efo, to the Ashantis to confirm if the competition will still be held.

When Efo got there, people of Ashanti brought 20 litres of their strongest Akpeteshie (local gin) to welcome their guest.

Efo asked: 'Can i test it"?

The people said: 'Go ahead'.

Efo drank and finished all the 20 litres and said; 'surprising....this is good for a child's birthday, where is the main drink'?

The people of Ashanti shouted: 'come ooo, are u among the competitors'?

Efo replied: 'Me?!! No, I did not even qualify".

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