Why did you eat him?

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A 4-year old kid named Joe is in the surgery's waiting room with his mom when he sees a pregnant lady sitting

on a bench on the opposite wall.

Having nothing better to do, Joe

saunters over to her and with wide

eyes full of curiosity and asks "Why is

your stomach so big?"

The lady calmly replies with a smile,

"Because I'm having a baby." With

eyes as large as saucers, Joe asks, "Is

the baby in your tummy?"

"She sure is," replies the lady charmed

by the little kid's innocent question.

"Is it a good baby," asks Joe with a

puzzled look on his face.

"Oh, yes. I'm sure it's a really good

baby," says the lady with good humor

thinking how incredibly cute the little

kid is and looking forward to what he

might say next...

At this point much to her surprise,

with an even more surprised and

shocked look than before, Joe asks,

"Then why did you eat her?

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