Mondays aren't always bad

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Hey there hey there ☺️ I stayed home from school today because my fam was in town and it was worth it. I hate missing school but I could deal with today. 💞 they make me so happy like I've been laughing since they got here. I hate that they had to leave. But back to regularities. I'm seeing bf in an hour or so, so I'm looking forward to that. I finally told my sister everything. I have a lot of decision making to do 😁 pray for me y'all. Lol. Oh me and my dad are on really good terms. I feel closer to him. Not my real dad, but my dad that raised me. Right now I'm about to start on homework that I should have had done already so toodles ☺️✌🏽️
-Monday, November 16th 4:27pm

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