I Miss My Sister.

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So I woke up and my tummy was hurting terribly. My mom has been trying to get me out of the habit of waking up late. So she came in there hollering about it past 6:30. Lady, I know what time it is. Anyways. She brought me some medicine and I feel better now. I'm on the bus now and the kids at the back are always blasting music. It's too early. Why do you have a speaker anyways? You're on the way to school, not to a party. Get a grip. Please. Last night I had a flashback of one of my worst memories and the person that reminded me of it doesn't seem to be having patience with me. I can't really go into detail because I'm not ready yet but i need him be understanding. I told him about it when it happened but back then he didn't care. I'm sure by now he's forgotten about it but. Anyways. Moving on. I'm almost at school so I'll be back when someone interesting sparks, or when I get bored. Oh, and today is Veterans Day so I plan on printing out a card for my Deddy. Toodles ✌🏽️😕💥
-Wednesday, November 11 7:33 am

So I told someone about a tragedy that happened and it's like they don't even care. Great. Now I feel stupid. *jumps off of the face of the earth*
-Wednesday, November 11 3:08 pm

Lol so I was about to get out of the car and Zoree's mad ass honked the horn at me 😂 upset? Mad? Big mad or lil mad? Either or, stay mad ☺️
-Wednesday, November 11 5:58pm

I'm gonna have to start reading that quote up there every day. My parents have officially made me mad. As of right now, I hate everyone. Goodnight. Ps- I miss my brother and my Nicky.
-Wednesday, November 11 @pissed tf off pm

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