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Good morning Good people. My bestfriend is acting sort of weird this morning. Ever since last night I've had this feeling that he doesn't want to talk to me. Kind of makes me sad.
Shrugs. I hope everyone slept good.
-Tuesday, November 17th 7:17am

I skipped lunch to work on my documentation for lit. Sheesh. That was the struggle.
-Tuesday, November 17th hungry:pm

I went to physical therapy and it was very long. I slept on the way there so I didn't feel like doing the work. I swear he adds more exercises each week 😒 why doesn't he love me 😂 but y'all, I really want to be famous. I want to be famous for helping people. I don't mean charity wise or physical appearance but with their life decisions. I think I want to be a life coach 😬 but I won't make that decision until I grow more patience. It makes me so mad when people give up. Like what is your purpose for living. Although I give up sometimes too. Speaking of not practicing what I preach, I need someone to save the hero. Beyoncé has a song called Save The Hero, and it's about how the hero always lends his/her shoulder for others to cry on but what shoulder does he/she have to cry on? Who's there to save the hero after he/she saves the world? That song is so me. I enjoy saving people but no one ever saves me. I live for making others' days, and encouraging them to keep on keeping on (blazydü). But no one pushes me. You get what I'm saying? No one saves the hero.
-Tuesday, November 17th thinkinghard:pm

I miss my Nicky. That guy is like, amazing. I was so upset with him for going to college and forgetting about me but he hasn't forgotten about Harley Q. He was just busy with college is what he says. But in my mind I'm like you weren't too busy for everyone else 😤 but I guess I can understand I may not be first on the People Priority list. At least he's talking to me now. I miss him so much. I wonder if we're still getting married 😁 I'm gonna put a picture of him in the picture box up there.
-Tuesday, November 17th 8:51pm

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