Chapter 3

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"You never answered my question." He said.

I looked at him confused for a second, not knowing what he meant. Then it dawned on me. I said, " I don't know who you like."

He laughed then said, "You know exactly who it is, just think hard. I've got to go." He left his number on my dresser and left.


That night my dream was super crazy I saw Elizabeth grown up. after that dream I decided to ask Elizabeth what really happened to our parents.


At school I was late to math class and had to sit in the back next to Liam again. Our teacher passed out a flyer. The front said, In big, bold words, Dance! It talked about how some teacher, Mrs. Sandino, had ballet classes every night from 6 to 8 p.m. On weekdays.

Liam turned to me and said, " I think you'd be good at dance."

"Pshht, yeah. I'm clumsy!"

"I'll sign up if you sign up."

I smiled and said," I'll think about it."


"So are you gonna do it." Cynthia asked while we walked to the library after school.

"Do what? Dance? I don't know! I've never really cared for it."

"I'm with Liam, it's worth a shot. I mean you do look like you'd be a great dancer! and it might ever keep your mind off of things for awhile."

"Good point."

"Have you asked Elizabeth about your parents yet?"

"No, I'm too scared," I admitted." I've never really known them, and finding out what happened, whatever that is, would just be more tragic."

"I'm gonna have to ask her for you. If she can answer that question, maybe she can answer your dreams. Rebecca you need to look at the bright side. These dreams could mean something!"

"Like what? my parents are alive or that I'm an alien. Come on Cynthia, we're not in third grade anymore!"

"I know. Just drop it!"


We sat there, at the library, finishing up our paper for history class in silence. until...

"Hey Becca!" It was her! the girl who claimed to be my older sister.

"So this is Elizabeth? Ha! What great timing! Tell her now Becca!"

"Tell me what?"

I gave Cynthia the death stare then turned to Elizabeth and said," What happened to our parents? And why do I keep having these crazy dreams?"

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