day 5-ish idk

44 3 6

sorry I haven't posted in a few days school got to me. Good thing this is just the journal to talk about that.

anyways in the last few days I have done nothing really. Same old homeroom, boring lame art, crappy Spanish. She makes us talk in front of the class and I want to vomit all over my self.

Lunch was ok but today I wanted to mess with my friend perry (fake name bro calm down) so I put her--er I mean his drink into his bag. Then I slid his book over two squares. Later on, perry was all in a bad mood. And then I was thinking to myself "bro wtf did I put you in a bad mood. Its just a drink calm ya tits". Turns out it was the drink. she found it and threw it away and perry and dave :) were talking about it. I could tell becuz dave turned to me and said "Hey Ellie (fake name ;-;) did you touch perry's stuff?" and I totally freaked out. So I said "no.. no I didn't do anything" in a calm way ya know.

He says to me "ya sure?"

"yea broski im sure I didn't touch her stuff"

He finally goes back to his life and im going crazy. I could hear perry asking everyone if they knew what happened. Luckily I only told one persona and it was Kenny. I was scared Kenny was gonna get asked and he would say "yea I know me and ellie were messing with ya hahaha" (laughs like a donkey for a few hours).

Well that was today, on Wednesday I had the best time ever. I hung out with my friends hunter and ethan. We acted like we owned our own food stop and made like 16 billion meals. Then we played a game and taped ethan to a folding table and put candle wax on him. He screamed like a baby but he said it didn't hurt after a few secs.  Then you wont believe what happened. We went outside and threw ice at each other, and ethan of course was being a retard and somehow managed to get ice on the neighbors door. But if you think about it its not that bad, then you have to think about who the neighbors are... (totally not racist) Black people rush to our door and we open the door and they start to scream at cuss at us. Like bruh who cusses at three 14 year olds. Anyways we get yelled at and we cleaned up the ice (that was gonna melt anyways) and went back inside. So then we look out the blinds to see if the people were coming but all we saw was them looking back at us through there blinds. NOPE

nope na ehhh no not gonna happen staaahhp nuuup errr k nops nooo just stop no no 

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