*Tyler's point of view*
I stared blankly at all the options I had for them to wear. I want Luke to be embarrassed beyond belief along with the rest of them! Mostly Luke, I won't admit it out loud, but I'm jealous of who ever that girl is.
Dresses it is then! I picked out these old grandma and grandpa clothing. IT'S PERFECT!
"Oh boys!" I sang. "Concerts in 4 hours, time to get ready!"
They came in and stared at it and then at me.
"Really?" Calum groaned. I nodded smiling.
"Just wear it for the first 3 songs and I'll be happy!" I said smirking. Now it's time for me to become a fan.
I have to wear a 5sos shirt, sunglasses, shorts, converse, and my normal brackets. They slapped some make up onto me and did my hair in a way that I hadn't even recognized myself.
We're going to do a YouTube video on it afterwards, so the sunglasses have cameras hidden in them.
"Show starts in 40 minutes! Girls get outside and start acting like fans!" Larissa told us.
"Aye! Aye! Capt'n!" Bella saluted as we walked around the big stadium to the front.
"Tyler, where are we going right now?" Aria asked as she switched on her camera glasses.
"We're going to our own concert!" I said smiling.
So many people were lined up to see us preform! It felt amazing!!
We slipped into line behind a group of 14 year olds who looked so excited. Better make friends.
"I love your shirt!" I said to one of them. They had made it themselves and it had my face on it!
"Thanks! Is that shirt really signed by the band?!?!" She screeched at Aria. Aria nodded.
"I met them last summer! It was the best! They were all so nice!" She said talking herself up.
"What type of seats do you guys have?" Another one asked us. I hadn't even glanced at our tickets.
"Front row." Bella answered. "My dad knows someone who works here."
"Cool!" One of them said.
"So, what are your names?" I asked.
"I'm Jackie!" The one with my face on her shirt said.
"I'm Avery Irwin! Gonna marry Ashton!" Another one said. I giggled.
"I'm Christina Adams! I'm bi, not really something you want to say when you introduce yourself, but I wanna hug Tyler so badly!" The third one said.
"Aww that's so sweet!" Bella said smiling.
"So, what are your guys names?" Avery asked.
"Taylor." I said twisting up my own name.
"Isabel." Bella said. "Well, real names Isabella, but I prefer Isabel."
"Whitney! Like Whitney Houston!" Aria said using her middle name.
"Nice! How long have you liked the band?" Jackie said pointing to my shirt.
"I'm more into 3D3G, but 5SOS is okay I guess." I shrugged.
Avery gasped, as if feeling hurt.
"What?" I asked confused.
"I live for Ashton Irwin's arm muscles!" Avery said shuttering. We giggled at her.

The Band Rivals
Fiksi Penggemar5SOS and 3D3G are two bands in the punk rock industry. They are rivals. Competing for everything. Every award and every nomination they can get. Each one of them has to work to be the better of the two. To make matters worse, 5SOS love to make fun o...