Chapter one Away I Go

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I finished scrubbing the floor standing up on my knees finally. I leaned back trying to pop my back and walked into the kitchen.
  "You done sweet heart?" Barbara, the manager, said.

  "Yeah, I have to go pick something up from Marvin's, is it okay if I leave early?" I said asking for approval. She smiles and nods.

  "Go a head I won't tell anyone," she said. She giggled as I walked out walking down the block to a grocery store called Marvin's. I walked in the small grocery and headed to the needs. I grabbed some milk and cheez-it's and started to walk to the cashier. I reach into my pocket to pull out a crusty old dollar. I gently stuff it out I the pocket and stuff the cheez-it's into my black jacket and the milk. I slowly walk out of the door to hear some people yelling at me. I quickly hesitate and start taking down the street.

  I turn into an alley to see a siren right in front of me. Like lord I just stole milk and cheez-it's what's the problem. I finally decide to drop the box and milk because it was making me run slower. The sirens were becoming faint and I still could barely hear them. I then stopped in a alley and hid behind a big trashcan. Then sirens came back in tune and I turned to see them zoom past right by me. After a minute of waiting I finally stop up and saw some clothes hanging from some strings and I unclipped a oversized Chicago bears sweatshirt and carefully threw it over my scull t shirt. I then let my wavy brown hair come out of the bun. I took a glance and walked into  one of dark alleys  doors. As I creaked in I heard a roar of screaming. I crept in longer and saw a pass of some sort.
Magcon meet and greet pass.
I threw it over my neck and walked Into a large open room where about a hundred of girls were lined up to see boys. Who would want to just see boys and hug them. Can you not just do that anywhere?

While I was thinking to myself I was being shoved into a line to greet a boy. I glanced over to see all the girls head over heels for everyone of the guys. This is just ridiculous. I walked up to see a blonde in a tie dye crop top and high rised jeans run up to a decent looking guy and kiss him on a cheek. This is all stupid.
It was finally my turn.
"Do you have a phone," one of the security guard said plain and bored. I pulled out my phone and gave it to him untrustworthy of him. I walked up to the boy with the sheepish grin.

"Hey," he said pulling me into a hug. His arms around my torso my arms just dangling down like a lunatic.

"Is this what you do for a living?" I said he just ignored me.

"Sorry I can't make conversations with the fans," he said pushing me aside waving the other towards him. I happily took my phone back scurried off.

"Like I would be a fan of him," I said heading to the bathroom. I went in did my 'business' and headed to wash my hands. I walked back out, trying to avoid another heartless jerk and took a seat and someone handed me a number. I held it in my hand and soon drifted off to sleep.

I woke up to a screaming of girls. It sounded like I was at a one direction concert or something. Then nine boys walked onto the stage. All with the same amount of enthusiasm. A chocolate brown haired boy walked up to the microphone as he flashed a smile.

  "Hello," he said causing all the girls to scream louder. He laughed at the response and went on. "We have given you all a number. We will be choosing four special girls to hang out with us for a while." A loud gasp came out and even more screaming rose from the stands. "Okay so let's begin," he said pulling out a card from his pocket. I glanced at my number. 53.

"Twenty-three," he said. A young blonde that looked to be around 14 hopped on stage. She had the biggest smile on her face. Some boys greeted her in hugs others just waved.
"Seventy-one," a tall girl came running on stage. Her long curly hair bounced as she hugged each boy.
"Eleven," he announced another number. Then a red head came strutting up on stage. Kissing each boy on his cheek.
  "Finally, Fifty-three," he announced. My eyes widened. They waved me up there as my face turned totally red. I walked up just fake waving at them.

Finally the event was over and the boys approached backstage.

"Hey girls," said one smirking at the older girls  throwing a wink at the snobby red head. She smirked back. I rolled my eyes an scoffed.

"Someone's getting laid tonight," I said scoffing. I heard laughter coming from behind me. Getting a death stare from the ginger.

"Awh, I already like this girl," said one boy standing here pointing to me. "Okay so tell us your names."

"Shelby," said the young blonde.
"Trish," said the black haired teen.
"Chelsea," said the snobby ginger.
"Blaire," I said.

"Okay, as you might know this is Cameron, Nash, Shawn, Taylor, Aaron, Matthew, Carter, Jack G., and I'm Jack J." A short blonde said. He smiled and I smiled back. We said our hellos an we just decided to go back to the hotel room.

I was sitting on one of the beds until one of the boys had to interrupt me. I felt the seat next to me sink. I admeditly noticed him as the guy that said I couldn't make conversations with fans.

"Hey," he said smirking. His eyebrow was daisies and his blue eyes sparkled. I glanced up. Then glanced back down.

"I thought you couldn't make conversations with fans, I said standing up and leaving him. I wasn't watching where I was going but I ran into Jack J.

"Hey," he said smiling.

"Hey." I said clearly. His smile turned into a fake frown.

"Your drowning my happiness," he sighed.

"Mine was drained out a long time ago," I said pouting then heading into the main room.

"Let's play hotel hide'n'go'seek!" Squealed one of the boys. I showed no emotion. "Everyone find a partner," I stood there on my phone until I felt my arm hooked with someone else's. I glanced up.

"Hi," says the kid Nash with the blue eyes.

   "Will you ever stop," I said jerking my arm away from his.

     "That hurt me from the inside Blaire, the inside," he said fake crying.

   "Childish too," I said picking at my nails he gave me a stare.

   "Let's go," he said grabbing my hand and taking us into the hallway.

    "Found y'all," said Jack j. We ran back I passed Nash until he pulled me into the cleaning ladies closet. My face only inches from his.

   "I like this position," he said I could see hi smirk in the darkened light.

   "Well I don't," I said turning around now my rear end was facing him.

   "Actually I can deal with this position," I rolled my eyes in frustration.

   "You never stop do you?" I asked him. He shook his head.

   "Hey, why do you not seem interested in us, I know that seems like we are better than any of us but some girls die to just be in the spot you have now. And if you are playing hard to get-" I cut him off.

      "I'm not playing hard to get, I'm just not like most girls." I said. "I don't want to sleep with any of you or even better have anything to do with y'all," I said opening the closet door and running out.
  I ran to the place by the elevators to see a chair in the corner I crawled back there and heard someone coming. Of course it was Nash. The elevator rang and Jack J. Came running out tagging Nash.

As soon as the coast was clear I ran to the closet. Opening the door and then closing it. My breathe was heavy.

"Hello there," said a voice. I stopped right in my tracks and froze.

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