Chapter Three lemon juice

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    I walked threw the park, my purse in one hand, and my phone in the other. I pulled up instagram and started to vlog.

     "Hey guyss, I am recently in the park  and I'm glad to announce that I was excepted into the magcon tour! I still don't know If I still should do it, but comment if I should," I said finishing the video and posting it. Quickly comments started pouring in and I smiled.

      Over the year, I gained enough money to buy a decent computer and camera and start video vloging. I soon became very popular, and spread across the country. And here is where it took me.

    I got a text from one of my close friends, Daniel Skye. We became very close over social media and now were close friends

  - hey meet me & my friend at Jojo's Creamery:)

     I quickly responded and just decided to walk because the ice cream shop was right around the block.

    I walked through the big city as cars raced by and people honked their horns. I watched as my shoes made contact with the concrete sidewalks. Then I bumped into someone. I looks up to see a familiar face and I smiled.

       "Hey Danny," I said giving him a tight hug before walking into the creamery then I saw a very familiar face I haven't seen in a long time.

     "Blaire this is Taylor, Taylor this is Blaire," Daniel said as Taylor looked at me. A tiny smile formed on my lips, hopefully he wouldn't notice me.

       "Blaire? Your the famous Blaire?" he said and I nodded hugging him and he smiled.

       "You remember me right?" he said. I just smiled and it could not leave.

       "How can I forget you, Taylor," I said as Daniel looked at us weird.

       "Soo I'm guessing y'all know each other?" he said looking at both of us. Me and Taylor looked at each other and laughed.

      "Yeah, kind of," I said and we nodded and preceded to get our ice cream.


   "That movie was great!" I yelled as we all laughed.

    "Sure was," Daniel said as we jumped into a taxi.   "Take us here," Daniel said showing him a address. The taxi driver nodded his head and started driving to the directed area.

     I glanced at all the cars driving by us and all the stores and shops we passed until the taxi became to a stop. We hopped out and proceeded to the hotel entrance. Following the boys inside the elevator and being lifted to floor eight.

     "Who's all here?" I asked and Daniel shrugged.

     "Just some of the boys," he said proceeding out of the elevator going to a room.  Thanks Daniel that helped so much. We walked into a hotel room where all the boys were surrounded by the tv watching some show. Then their gaze all looked at me. But one caught my eye.

       "Nash," is all I said as memories flooded my mind.

     "Ugly ass bitch,"

      I boiled up with anger and Taylor could tell as he grabbed my hand tightly.

        After cooling down I smiled. Nash just staring at me. It felt like daggers in my back as he kept staring at me.

     "Blaire?" I turned around to see Jack j. running and giving me a big bear hug.

      "Jack?" I said sarcastically copying him. We just laughed as other people I haven't seen before approached.

     "Hey, I'm Sammy," said one guy an I smiled.

     "Blaire," I said and he smiled.

  Then I turned around and bumped right into the one and only, Nash Grier.

     We looked at each other for the longest time before I had the urge to just slap him. But I cooled myself down and all I did was walk right past him, bumping him hardly on purpose. I walked into the kitchen as the boys were making a video.

       "What are you guys doing?" I said as I propped myself up on the kitchen counters.

      "Smoothie challenge, wanna do it with us," Cameron asked and I nodded.

   "Yeah, I'm always up for a challenge," I said and they smiled.


      "What did you put in this!" I squealed as Cameron and Daniel laughed.  "It's really sour," I said and they looked at me laughing uncontrollably.

      "It's pure lemon juice," one said finally getting enough breath to talk. We then all started to laugh together and Cameron turned off the camera.

    "I'll edit that then post it," he said and we nodded.

    We all then walked out if the kitchen and into the main room where everyone was.  Jack and Jack were free-styling as all the boys tried to beat Jack j. in a rap battle.

    "My name is Taylor, it rhymes with Baylor, and I'm the best," Taylor sang and everyone started bursting out with laughter.

      Then Carted decided to pitch in.

      "The name is Carta , betta get your self a lawyer because I'm coming to steal everyone's girl," he said while everyone just looked at him.

       "Bravo," Cameron said and we all started clapping and then laughter came in.

      After all the boys decided to go for their free-styling, they looked at me.

     "Do you really think I'm going to rap?" I said and everyone nodded. Jack J. started beat boxing and I rolled my eyes.

      "My name is Blaire, I rap like I really don't care, so please don't stare, or I will tear," I said unsure of my words an everyone started laughing. Just then Daniel relaxed his elbow on my shoulder and looked at me.

      "Good job," he said I nodded and laughed.

       "Totally," I said then started to mess with his hair. He looked at me then I took off running from him so he wouldn't kill me. I ran past the couch and  hid behind Taylor. But then Taylor moved so I ran into one of the bedrooms and locked the door. Backing up slowly then felt something behind me.  I turned around and my breath hitched.

      "Hey," he said his hair all wet messy looking like he just took a shower.


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