Catching Sparks (3)

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Shizuo's POV
"What..?" I questioned, allowing him to drag me out of my seat and around the throng of dancing bodies. For a moment, I was afraid he was going to force me to dance, but relaxed when we passed the dance floor and walked up to the bar.

"Hey Hokuto, give me the key to the hallway," Ruby-Eyes shouted over the music. Many people sitting at the bar turned to look at us newcomers. Said bartender raised a brow and turned his eyes to me suspiciously.

What? Hey, buddy, I had no idea what was going on here. All I knew was that a hand was still locked together with my own, and I was pretty content to let him drag me here and there if it stayed this way.

... I sounded like a fifteen-year-old girl. Not sure how I felt about that.

Fuck it; I liked it.

"Who's he?" This Hokuto person asked. It made me realize I hadn't even given my name. ... I still didn't know his name either!

"No interrogations; hand over the key," Ruby-Eyes said bluntly. I was hit with the urge to know his name so I could stop with the ridiculous nickname, though his eyes were most certainly unique.

Hokuto rolled his eyes dramatically and dipped underneath the counter.

"Key?" I bent my head and whispered in his ear. I caught a faint hint of his shampoo, and the clean smell intensified as he craned his head around and stood on tip toes to reach my ear.

"You wanted some privacy, right?" He whispered, and I shivered at the feeling of his hot breath tickling my ear.





Was he... taking me to a back room... alone... to dance... oh my God, wandering eyes were one thing, but alone...!

The thought excited me as much as it scared me.

That kind of situation... I mean... was he expecting more? Did I mind if it turned into more..? If he was going to be all up on me, there was a very slim chance I'd be able to keep my hands off, if I was completely honest with myself.

I watched, conflicted, as Hokuto tossed the key to Ruby-Eyes.

Why were there locked back rooms in this place, anyway? Did the employees here bring people they liked in those rooms all the time?

If that was the case, I was both flattered and disturbed. Girl or guy, I was never the one-night-stand type.

But yet, I didn't refuse. I was compelled to see where this would go, be it curiosity or the attraction I felt for the man leading me around to a door in the back.

"These rooms are usually for when employees have a little too much fun and pass out. This building used to be an office a loooong time ago," Ruby-Eyes explained. He let go of my hand to unlock the door. I was glad there was a reasonable explanation for the rooms.

The music that had been so loud moments before was muffled when he shut the door behind us. It was a simple, bare hallway with four doors. He made to walk again, but I quickly tugged on his sleeve to stop him.

"Uh... can I know your name?" I asked with a small laugh.

"Orihara Izaya," he answered with a grin, "They announced it earlier."

"Oh? Guess I wasn't paying attention.."

"I think you were paying attention," Izaya responded quickly, to which I smiled sheepishly. Yes, I was most definitely paying attention to him, "What about you?"

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