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I didn't about forget this book I'm just lazy ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Izaya reaches for him the moment Shizuo strides over to his desk, pulling himself into a kiss that has Shizuo's arms around him and has him holding on to the blond, deepening the kiss as far as he can while trying to keep up with the neediness that comes from Shizuo. It's tentative, the way they start kisses like they haven't seen each other in too long and it's really nothing, only six months of dating and kissing is one of Izaya's favorite things, but Shizuo never needs to know.

"Shizu-chan," Izaya moans into the beast's mouth, sucking and licking when a tongue invades past his lips and intertwines with his. It feels so good, having Shizuo hold him up because it's been too long since they've been intimate.

Kisses are cursory, usually lasting long enough to tide Izaya over for a day—unlike Shizuo, who clearly wants more than just a kiss to keep him happy for an hour at a time and sometimes Izaya allows cuddling just to keep the beast off of him while he works. It's not exactly good for his image when Shizu-chan thinks he can stride up to him and demand attention like a little puppy. More often than not, it just grates his nerves until the anger is resolved with making out where there aren't any prying eyes to witness their private relationship.

Izaya never knows what to call it—the thing between them. Shizuo calls it a relationship, prompting an argument that ends in the same routine of making out and holding and so close that Izaya can't breathe when he's pressed up against Shizuo, but he feels too much of something to go any further than touching.

Shizuo, being the oaf that he is, says it's nothing to worry about and even now it's whispered in his ear, nibbling on the shell of it. "We don't have to do anything, I just want you," and it's enough incentive for Izaya to allow Shizuo to pick him up, moving them both to the bedroom because Izaya thinks they can go further tonight.

After all, it's their six month anniversary of not killing each other, and that must mean something to monsters, right? Not that Izaya necessarily cares, content with getting his fill of Shizuo's touches and lips on him whenever and wherever, so long as he gets what he wants. Whatever Shizu-chan wants doesn't really matter because somehow it happens one way or another and just coincidentally happens to be similar to the things Izaya likes to take for himself.

Up the stairs, Izaya's head against Shizuo's shoulder on unofficially calling it a night, his heart starts to pound. One part in curiosity, two parts in not knowing what comes next, and six parts anxiety—just because it's part of who he is, not that he's nervous, no way.

And when Shizuo pushes the door open to the bedroom of Izaya's apartment and closes it behind him, Izaya doesn't swallow reflexively. He tells himself he doesn't, not as Shizuo places him on the bed and then he's up with him, holding himself above Izaya while he peppers him with kisses from a greedy pair of lips. Izaya doesn't find himself minding all that much, preferring to just deal with Shizu-chan's need for affection rather than not have what he wants (finding out the hard way isn't one of his best ideas) when coincidentally, having a beast kiss him this hard and pin his wrists above his head isn't all that bad.

Not bad at all. Not bad until Izaya's fingers fumble with Shizuo's shirt, pulling it off his head and Shizuo's undressing him with the same fervor, leaving a breathless trembling wake of anxiety rushing in Izaya's blood where his fingers touch. By the time his shirt is over his head and discarded off the bed, Izaya finds his throat constricting heavily.

"Sh-Shizu-chan," Izaya clears the saliva from his throat, clenching his teeth when a chill inches down his spine. The pair of lips at his throat stop, pulling back to curious brown eyes with the expression of a kicked puppy.

Damn it. "I..." There's no easy way to say it, not like Izaya can just mention oh, he's never done this before and he's not so sure anymore even if it's just with Shizu-chan. But there's not much he can do, so he goes with whatever pops into his head before he thinks it through. "I don't...I don't know," he mumbles to himself, suddenly thinking he's self-conscious and his legs itch with the urge to tuck into his chest like he's some scared little child.

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2017 ⏰

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