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We gathered our things and headed up to the woods, the weather was beautiful; sunny, warm and perfect for an investigation. Ellen was pretty far ahead and Josh was nearly out of breath. 

"Already tired?" I asked.

 "No...of course not..." I laughed and ran ahead to catch up with Ellen who was probably the fittest out of all of us, even fitter than Brian and Lauren. Too bad they couldn't make it though, they'd been excited about the trip for a while. 

"Where we setting up camp?" I asked Ellen as we made our way through the shrubbery. 

"No idea, hopefully we'll find a good spot. If we miss the comet this year we'll have to wait another 175 years". We waited for Josh to catch up and began looking for a good spot. It wasn't until around 9pm we agreed on an area and set up the tent. 

"Finally! My legs are killing me!" Josh dropped to the floor and lay down on the leaves which made a strangely satisfying crunch noise. I unloaded everything I was carrying onto the floor including my telescope, I pulled out my bottle of water and downed half the bottle. Now all we had to do was wait, the comet should come by at around midnight. Ellen came over to me and Josh and put all her equipment on the ground. 

"I'm going to gather some wood for the fire, you guys start setting everything up".

 "No it's fine El I'll go. Could do with the exercise" I told her, that was a lie, honestly I was exhausted but I wanted to make an impression. She wouldn't let me at first but I persuaded her, so while Ellen and Josh set stuff up, I wandered into the woods. Alone.

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