The Cabin

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Someone was recently living here, the bed was a mess as well as the kitchen and there was dog food everywhere. I checked my watch, it was 11:27pm. I should probably start heading back, Josh and Ellen are probably worried. I noticed an office room though so I decided to have a gander, there were four pieces of paper spread out on a desk. They all had the title Research Document on the top of the page along with a corresponding number and a sub heading. I suddenly felt a gust of wind hit me from behind and blow the papers onto the floor. I knelt down to pick them up and started reading the first one, a creature in the woods? I won't lie I felt a bit uneasy but most of these guys are weirdos you see on TV. The second one was pretty messed up, it talked about a little boy being ripped apart by a "Rake". I stopped reading as it was making me feel pretty uncomfortable and the spooky cabin wasn't helping. I looked up to the window and saw a pair of white glowing eyes looking back. I jumped and dropped everything I was holding, I quickly picked my flashlight up and shone it at the window. Nothing. Was I seeing  things? The cabin must be playing with my imagination. I gathered the pieces of paper and shoved them into my back pocket. I put the flashlight in my left pocket and ran out of the cabin. It was then I heard a loud scream come from the woods, I dropped everything again and dashed towards the sound.

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