Chapter 17

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Tony's pov

After we got all the food and finished with the conference Pepper, Rhodes, Obadiah, and I were in the car heading home. Now with all the important people gathered I can explain shit. We got home and I ran to get inside with Rhodes on my heels only to freeze.

There in the living room was the coffin Claire was in but instead of opening it to let her out I stood starring at the coffin lid and debris that laid around the area. "What the hell?!" Pepper shouted from behind us. I turned to see her wide eyed with Obadiah.

"Ok so first off...Claire is alive. Secondly no I don't know where she is as that lid was locked from the outside." I said looking around. "Uh...Jarvis? Where is Claire?" I ask looking over the coffin to see her radio sat in there. "

Well sir, Lady Claire is currently in lab 4 on her level. It would seem she has injected the PVIP and is having VI run tests right now to see if it was successful." Jarvis informed. At the mention of the PVIP I snap and take off running. I run to lab 4 to see Claire bent over holding her head.

"Are you crazy?! What the hell made you think it was okay to use yourself as the test subject for this?" I shout. She turns her head and smiles at me painfully. "Yes, I am crazy! I talk to animals! The rat just told me his name was Richard!" she laughed in a daze. "VI stop the tests! Can't you see your hurting her?!" Rhodes shouted.

"Tony do something! She's losing it!" I just stare at him and start cracking up. "Ha! You-hehe- you think she's kidding!" I chuckle. Suddenly a rat come out of the wall with a rag. "Oh, thank you Richard. I didn't realize it was bleeding." I smile at the oddly familiar situation before turning to the three confused adults around me.

"" Pepper spoke lowly. There were tears in her eyes and her hands were tightened into fists at her sides. "Hi Pepper!" Claire smiled. She walked up to her and pulled her to a hug before pulling away and looking to Obadiah.

"Uncle Obi." She nodded with a smile. "Okay, so explanation time. In the caves I was used as a lab rat like Richard here. It was successful and although I don't know what exactly is wrong with me now, I have white hair, a violet eye, and strange abilities. Any questions?" huh straight to the point. "Why did they say you were dead?" Obadiah asked quietly.

"Blame dad. I kind of don't know. I passed out in the desert and awoke in a coffin." She said pointing to me as she spoke. All eyes were on me now. "The doctors at the base saw your blood. They were going to experiment on you like they did. So I had Rhodes 'kill' you." Claire nodded in understanding before gripping her head again. "Ouch! VI seriously?!"

"You okay?" I ask approaching her a bit. "Yeah, PVIP is just burrowing into my brain and is going through my memories putting them in files of sort. " it actually worked?" I ask now intrigued. She nodded "well yeah! Duh...VI don't be rude." Wow it actually worked. Though I'm still pissed that she did this without testing it on something. Especially since when she told me about the damned thing I said no.

"So what is going on?" Obadiah asked still confused. "Sorry what VI?" I looked over confused. "She didn't say anything." Claire ignored me, her eyes glazed. "Fuck yeah! I knew it would work...minus that 10% chance of wiping my memories it was flawless!" Claire cheered.

I slapped my hand to my face at her oblivious act. "Claire?" she looked over at Obadiah and smirked. "VI, scan uncle obi. I want full detail and facial rec." she commanded to her AI. I turned to look at the others and decided to explain a bit since it seems Claire is just going to play with her new 'toy'.

"She put her AI in her mind. Connected them up and was running tests to hook the devise to her mind. I told her no but she never listens." Pepper sighs and shakes her head. "Yeah, she was working on that thing the night before you guys left." I nod knowing pepper had to wake Claire that morning. "No...recalculate that shit! No!" I shoot my head over to Claire as she was staring at Obadiah with fear and anger.

"No! Stop it! Stop it now! I don't want to see anymore!" the ground began to shake and things were lifting around us. "Not again!" I shout. I grab her in a hug and pull her face to look at me. She needs to calm down now.

Claire's pov

It works! This is so cool! "Claire?" I look over to uncle Obadiah and smirk. Let's see just what PVIP can do shall we? "VI, scan uncle obi. I want full detail and facial rec." suddenly images ran across my vision of uncle Obadiah. Oh man this is so cool! I could hear voices talking around me but this was just to cool. That's when the images started changing. Videos between obi and Raza started playing.

He told them to kill dad. Raza wanted dad alive but obi insisted they only keep me...he did this? "No...recalculate that shit! No!" I shout. I can't believe this...why? Why would he do this to us?! I felt the tingle in my hands but couldn't care less. I tried closing my eyes but nothing would get the images out. Him giving them weapons, him chastising Raza for keeping dad alive.

It was too much. "No! Stop it! Stop it now! I don't want to see anymore!" VI stopped the flow of images and my vision came back and there before me was Obadiah with a sickening smile. He knows what he did...he knows what I saw. I couldn't think, everything was shaking. Suddenly I was pulled to someone and my face was held.

Dad. He was shouting something but I couldn't understand it. Next thing I know I'm slapped across the face. Everything freezes and I'm stuck starring at pepper as she stood above me, hand still out from the slap. I dropped everything I had raised and took a few deep breaths. The tingle leaving with every breath. That's when the noise started up again.

Dad held me, calling my name over and over. Pepper had tears in her eyes as she starred at her hand. Obadiah was on the floor holding his neck in pain as Rhodes was helping him. That's when it clicked. I had snapped. I did it again...I hurt them. Without a second glance I jumped from dads grip and ran. I ran and ran without looking back. I can't do this, I'm putting them in danger when I'm around.

So I did what I had to. I ran.

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