Chapter 57

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Claire's pov

I sat patiently watching everything vi was doing from the screened vision replacing my vision. To anyone who saw me, id look like some freak with glassed over eyes who stared off into space without blinking. But I was locked away so it was okay. "Hello dear." I froze and blinked away the screen and looked around.

There was noone there that I could see and I got confused. "Maybe I am going crazy..." I mumbled before turning around and smacking into a familiar cold chest as cold arms wrapped around my waist pulling me impossibly closer. I breathed in the familiar fresh scent of the person I had grown so lonely without.

"Loki?" the arms released me and I pulled back to see Loki stood there before me. I smiled happy to see him again before I smacked him across the face. "I deserved that." Loki mumbled with a slight chuckle. I then pulled him in for a hug again and he chuckled even more.

"I missed you too darling." I smiled and pulled back to look him over. He wore the same green robes and his hair was slightly messy which was a good look on him. "How did you get here?" I asked first of all as my mind filled with more and more questions.

"I can not tell you that, I know you have a lot of questions but all I can say is this. I have not been myself lately, i've been shown so much. I wish I could show you but I won't let myself. I am me but there is another me that is overpowering me and is controlling the other me and making me do bad things. You must know darling that the other weaker me is trying so hard to take control and even more so when we found you hear." he began to walk around the room looking at all the candies and such scattered about.

Finally his eyes landed on a sharp piece of metal I had been using as a knife to make my hoverboard. He walked over and picked it up eyeing it lightly before turning to me. That's when I noticed it. His once crystal blue eyes had changed to a forest green.

"So much so that he is almost able to take over. I can't let that happen. Therefore I must rid us of his reason to fight. That being you. Are you following darling?" I looked at him in fear. It wasn't Loki. This man...this monster has Loki trapt.

Because of him finding me he is fighting even more so than he was and now this monster wants him to see me die so he gives up. Well crap. "Loki...if you can hear me, fight. Fight even if i'm gone." suddenly the monster lunged at me and a sharp pain shot through my body. I gasped as my back hit the wall.

The monster pulled back revealing the metal object now protruding from my stomach. His eyes began switching from green to blue as a tear ran down his cheek. I held my tears back as I bit my lip and pulled the metal from my body. I could feel it healing and smiled.

"Well mister, if you truly are better than Loki and you truly know more than him then you would know that this is not the first time i've been stabbed and is definitely not the last time. Oh and guess what...i have this sick ability called-" I paused and charged at Loki's form tackling him to the ground.

"-i heal." I smirked and held the bloody metal to his throat. Green eyes smirked and suddenly switched positions and pinned me beneath his hovering form. "As this is news to me, it would seem that you only heal when the foreign object is removed. If that is correct-" he gets cut short and Loki's blue eyes reappear as he pulls away from me and throws the metal piece across the room.

His eyes meet mine and his show sadness and pain as tears once again slip down his cheeks. "I'm so sorry love." I stumbled to stand still bleeding a bit and my hands were covered in blood. I stood and gave a weak smile. "I can't run...the door is locked shut." I whispered and stepped closer to him as he backed away from me.

"Please...don't." he spoke softly. I walked forward me and finally reached him. I reached my hands up and gently wiped away his tears as his eyes started flashing green again. Tears left my eyes as he tried to push me away but I only pulled him closer into a hug. It's okay Loki. I will be fine." I whispered.

His chest began rumbling with laughter and as I looked up his eyes were green again. "Oh i'm sorry but you will be anything but fine when i'm done with you." I smile sadly and pull away. "Can I have a name to call you seeing as you are not Loki?" I asked hiding my emotions behind a smile. Now was so not the time for a break down.

"You may call me...Thanos." he smiled evilly before bowing. "Well Thanos, you going to kill me or what?" I asked still smiling. He let out a growl at my attitude and began walking around me. He picked up a large thin sheet of metal and suddenly grabbed me and slamming me down to the ground I felt the weight of his body hovering over me. I felt him place the cold metal to my neck. I felt as a blinding pain flashed across my body. Then...I felt nothing.

Claire StarkWhere stories live. Discover now