chapter 71

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Claire's pov

We finished eating and after I changed from my dress, we began walking back to where they parked the quin-jet. Nat and Clint were in front, dad was in the middle, Bruce and I were behind him, and leading the back was Steve.

"Aren't you going to pack anything?" Bruce asked, curious as to why I left everything behind. "Knowing dad, there is a fully stocked room for me. Clothes and all. So there's no real need to." I explain. Someone scoffed behind me and I turned to see Steve. He didn't realize I heard him, but it's hard not to with my hearing.

"Is there a problem with that Steve? A father taking the time to make sure each of his homes has a place for his daughter?" he sent me a look of confusion before shaking his head and walking ahead of me making Bruce look at him oddly.

"What was that about?" he asked me. I just sighed and shook my head. "Nothing." he nodded and we continued. We arrived shortly after and just as I was walking up the stairs, Steve bumped into me making me fall, a branch tearing my shirt across the stomach.

"Dammit..." I mumble, trying to ignore the soft throbbing now reaching across the new scratch. No one seemed to have noticed so I decided to not make a big deal of it. Standing up, I put my arm over the tear and continued into the jet. I sat down and buckled into a seat, making sure that I kept my arm covering the tear.

No one really paid mind until halfway through the flight Steve stood up and moved to stand in front of me...

Steve's pov

I walked into the jet, not really paying attention to my surroundings as my thoughts ran wild. Over the two months that I have lived at the Stark towers, it has been very touch and go. Between Bruce trying to help me understand everything new, Tony being extremely sensitive about Claire, and Natasha and Clint keeping to has been nothing but awkward.

No one mentioned Claire, not unless they were brainstorming over her location. It made me that shes here, how were things going to change? I brought my gaze up to look around the jet at everyone.

It has been quiet since the jet took off and it's maybe half way through. Tony was on his tablet thingy doing who knows what...Bruce was reading a book, Natasha and Clint were flying, and Claire...she was sat awkwardly, an arm over her stomach in a strange fashion. I watched her, trying to figure out what was wrong when I noticed it.

A small amount of blood was shown staining her shirt below her arm. Standing up, I walked over and stood right in front of her. She glanced up at me in confusion as everyone else except the two agents flying turned to watch me.

Without a word, I reached out and pulled her arm away from her stomach as gently as I could. Sure enough, her shirt was torn and her stomach had a long cut across it. There were some gasps but I paid no mind.

"When did this happen?" I asked. Her face went from shocked at my actions to confused. "I's nothing." she tried pulling her arm back but I held tight.

"Claire, answer him, what happened?" Tony spoke up, watching us closely. "'s nothing...i tripped on the way to the jet. Landed on a branch...that's all." she looked town to her lap, looking sheepish. There was a heavy sigh and someone put a hand on my shoulder.

Turning, I saw Clint stood there. "Claire, what did I tell you about not keeping things like this to yourself?" she looked up at him guilt written across her face.

"Stand up, I'll get your kit." she nodded and unbuckled herself. "What do you mean 'her' kit?" I asked confused. "Natasha decided to walk back now involved.

"Well, Claire here isn't the smoothest...she'd often 'trip' or 'bump into something' but truth is, you didn't trip did you Claire?" my eyes widened as all eyes went to Claire as she stared at the ground.

"Claire, the truth please." Clint spoke as he lifted her shirt to reveal the wound. He began wrapping her torso as she sighed. "It's nothing really, I just tripped." as she said this, she sent me a look that made me freeze.

In that one look it was almost like she was saying I was the one to do it. Unsure what to do, I shifted in my place and let out a sigh. I knew she didn't want to tell us but I knew I wasn't going to leave the subject. "If that's what you say happened, I believe you." she turned and smiled at me. Natasha sighed but nodded.

"Alright, well I guess you're just lucky we know you so well." she pulled out a rolled up bundle of cloth and passed it to her with a smile. "Seriously, how do you guys ALWAYS have shirts?" Claire asked.

Suddenly, she pulled her shirt off leaving herself in just a black lace bra. My face burned bright red, I went to look away when I noticed something. Across her stomach and back were heavy scars. Some thin and faded, others heavy and dark.

My eyes widened as I took note of all the marks across her exposed skin. Just like that she pulled the new black t-shirt on and glanced around. Natasha and Clint didn't seem fazed at all, Tony just looked sad, and Bruce looked probably similar to myself. Confusion, sadness, and above all admiration over whatever this young woman has been through.

"Claire, what did I tell you about changing in front of others?" Tony asked sounding exasperated. Wait...she does that often?

"Um...not to?" Clint chuckled and shook his head. "Good to know we aren't the only ones trying to get her to behave." this made Tony chuckle while Claire just looked confused. "I don't see the big deal, it's no different from a bikini.

Dad, you always told me to be confident and not care what others unless there is a problem with me, I don't see the big issue." Tony nodded, clearly having been beaten in the argument.

"Yeah I guess you have a point...besides, there's no doubt that you can take care of yourself with unruly pervs." Clint smirked. This confused and concerned the others while Claire just returned the smirk. "I still can't believe you got him suspended...twice!" Natasha smiled. They shared a laugh while the others just stood confused.

"Any who...we should be a minute away...prepare to land." Natasha told us. Claire sat down and I followed suite, choosing the seat beside her. We landed and walked into the tower.

"I should report to Fury that you're back, he'll be quite excited." Clint smiled as he walked off. "I'll be right back, there's someone I should tell...they've missed you a lot." Natasha called, also leaving. Bruce walked to the kitchen before calling that he'd be in the labs.

"I should probably go with him...make sure nothing explodes." Tony called over his shoulder. "Isn't he going to tell you where you're room is?" I asked confused. She just chuckled and waved it off. "He knows I'm already hacking into Jarvis, there's really no need to ask or be told." I rose an eyebrow at her before Jarvis spoke up.

"Miss Stark, a pleasure to have you back." she smiled and looked back at me. "Come on! Lets go check out my floor!" she cheered, grabbing my hand and pulling me to the elevator. "vi, take us to my floor." Claire spoke aloud. I looked at her oddly before she explained.

"Dad has Jarvis, I have vi. Don't tell Clint or Nat...they haven't figured it out yet..." I nodded with a smile. The elevator stopped before the doors opens leaving me in shock.

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