Chapter 58

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Natasha's pov

Everything is going wrong. After the explosion went off and the sirens began blaring everything that could go bad went worst. Thor was fighting the Hulk, Tony and Cap. (Captain) are trying to stabilize the helicarrier, Clint is laid here unconscious because I hit him...hard, and Loki is gone with the tesseract.

Agents came along and dragged Clint off to the medics and I was not about to let him out of my sights so I followed close behind. The helicarrier has stabilized and Clint is being tied down. I don't think anything could get any worst.

"Coulson is down..." Fury's voice comes in with the static of the comms. I spoke too soon. "Medics should be on their way." Agent Hill's voice spoke in worry. "The medics are here...they just called it." Fury spoke the words that shattered my heart.

Coulson...he has saved me so many times. I learned how to use my skills to help others, he taught me compassion, kindness, and how to treat others. I owe that man everything...and now he's gone. The comms fell silent and the medics who carried Clint in had left us alone. He was tied down to the chair and his head had been hurt pretty badly...guess that was my bad.

I can't focus on coulson's death...I need to help shield. I went to the attached bathroom and grabbed a washcloth and wet it down. I walked back to Clint and put the cool cloth on his head to help him wake up. He was sweating a lot and mumbling things as his eyes opened revealing his blue eyes flashing from the color of the tesseract to his regular blue eyes.

"Claire...not...Claire...Claire!" Clint woke up, his eyes normal finally. He was panting, I stayed silent until finally his eyes met mine. "Where is she?" he asked worry and fear spread across his features. "Claire?" I asked confused as to why he woke saying her name.

"Yes Claire! She is hurt! I could see it...I think...I think I hurt her..." he spoke into a mumble as he shook his head and pulled at his wrists realizing where he was. "She is in isolation. Fury put her there to make sure Loki didn't use her as he did you." I explained.

"There is no way that you could have hurt her...only Fury and...Coulson...know her doors code." I trailed off as I realized Coulson was attacked. No...Clint couldn't be the one to have...killed him. Right? Panic spread through my body as I immediately began working on undoing his cuffs. The door behind us opened up but I couldn't care less.

I just lost Coulson, im not going to lose Claire as well. "Come on, follow me." I spoke swiftly as I finished his cuffs and turned to run to the isolation chambers. As I turned, I smacked right into someone. Looking, there stood Captain and Tony. They stood confused but I didn't have time for explanations. I pushed past them and ran.

I could hear their footsteps as Clint, Tony, and Cap. Followed behind me. We arrived at the cell and the door was shut locked. I turned to the others then and Clint spoke up. "What are you waiting for? Open it!" he called impatiently. "I told you only Fury and coulson have the code for it!" I yell annoyed that he yelled at me.

He began to try different combinations and other potential codes to open the door, all failing. Getting more impatient the longer we stayed outside the door the more desperate I got to see and make sure she was okay.

"What is going on? Who is in there that you need it opened so desperately?" Steve asked. Before I could open my mouth Clint was lying. "There is a down agent. I think she is hurt because of me...i need to get in there." Steve nodded but didn't move to help. I can't take this! "Damn it! Tony! It's Claire! She is in there!" I yell.

That got them. Tony pushed past Steve and Clint and began pounding on the door. "Claire! Open this door right now young lady!" he yelled. No response. "You have to the count of three to open this door! One!" nothing "too!" Steve reached forward and touched Tony's arm.

"There is no way this Claire will be able to open an isolation chamber door from inside." he tried to reason. "I know she could...something is wrong. Stand back. I'm coming in now!" he announced. He pointed his armored arm forward and shot a blast at the door knocking it off its hinges. He pushed in along with everyone else only to freeze at the sight.

There she laid, eyes wide open with tears fresh on her cheeks. There was a large thin sheet of metal stuck in her neck almost completely cutting her head from her neck. I turned covering my mouth from almost vomiting. She's gone. Who would do this?

"She didn't even fight back..." Clint whispered. I resisted turning and killing him where he stood. He did this! No...Loki did this... "Tony, what are you doing?!" Cap. Shouted in shock. I turned and saw Tony knelt over her body with his hands on either side of the sheet metal.

With a sound akin to cutting a slab of bloody meat at a butcher's, he ripped the metal from her neck and quickly moved to hold her head in place of her neck. The scene was sickening. "Tony! What the hell are you doing?!" Clint yelled while Cap. Stood in shock like me.

"She can't heal if the thing is still in her. If you remove the metal then she can heal." he mumbled. He lost it. "Tony, i'm so sorry...she isn't going to heal this time." I whispered. This is his daughter...if it's affecting me this much then I can't imagine what Tony is going through.

"Don't say that! She will heal...she just needs time." tears began to spill from his eyes. He clutched her body to his and in a snap he began muttering repeatedly. "She will be okay...she is always okay. She is always so much stronger than me. Without her I have nothing." Steve finally moved and placed his hand on Tony's shoulder.

"I don't know much of what is going on...but we need to go. Who knows how much time we have before Loki opens the portal." I froze knowing that wasn't what Tony needed to hear. Clint stepped forward pulling Steve in to whisper to him. "That is his daughter man, have some heart." Tony was silent as he rocked Claire gently so as to not roll her lose neck.

"She hated hurting others...but she hated seeing others hurt more. She was always so much better than me...i can't let him hurt more people...she wouldn't like that." he gently stood up and placed her in the bed with pillows there to support her. He then began heading for the door. "I don't know about you but I want that man's head splattered on everything. Who is coming?" I stood with him and everyone filed out after Tony.

He didn't say a word and I fell to the back as everyone kept walking. I have to tell Fury...just incase she heals...there is still hope. "To anyone who can hear me, Claire is down..." we stole a jet and began Captain's plan.

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