He's a vampire?

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Annabelle POV

*Hunters are born as gifted humans who possess the power to destroy super natural creatures.Their powers are passed down through their family generations.

It is believed that the original Hunters kill a creature to gain their powers. It is revealed that their power was bestowed upon them after the Hooded Woman gave them a high dosage of her blood to near poisoning levels. Those that survived became Hunters. She then threw her heart into the fire creating the first weapons. Following his discovery of her actions, Baltazar, an immortal
charged them to the last man to kill all the supernatural creatures who believed themselves unkillable.*

" I told you not you touch anything".

I yelped and dropped the papers on the floor. Standing in the doorway was Damien. He casually leans against the door looking hot as ever.

"Uhh...I...I was just..." I stuttered. He looked at me as if debating to say something. He walked over to my side and stopped right in front of me.

I watched him as he stared deeply into my eyes. I saw something flash in his eyes but it disappeared as soon as it came.

" Annabelle, I need to talk to you". He finally said after staring at each other for what it seemed like forever. " Come to the living room with me so we can sit and discuss this". We walked to the living room and sat on the couch. For some reason, I felt really nervous around him. Just as he was about to start talking, a man entered the living room.

He looked just like Damien, except he was a little bit shorter. His hair was dark brown instead of midnight black like Damien's. Although he was well built, Damien was slightly bigger than him. I assumed he was probably his brother.

" Damien, my brother". They did the bro hug and shook hands.

" Long time no see Damon". He grinned at his brother as he pat his back playfully.

" Indeed. I haven't seen you in fifty years". I looked at him confused. Fifty years? I thought. They both looked like they were probably in their early 20s. He must be exaggerating. I shrugged it off and decided not to dwell on it.

They seem to be having a private conversation right about now because I couldn't hear what they were saying. I tried to listen to them but I couldn't make out a word. Finally, they turned around and I noticed Damon was coming towards me.

"I am Damon, Damien's brother and you are?" He introduced himself politely.

"I'm Annabelle. Nice to meet you". I held out my hand to shake his but to my suprise, he took it and kissed the back of my hand and I blushed at the action.

"Its a pleasure to meet you too Anabelle". He said while retreating his hand from mine.

" That's enough Damon. Let's get to the point". Damien said annoyed.

" I'm sorry brother but her beauty is to much to take in". Now I'm pretty sure I looked like a tomato right now.

Damien growled at his brother and pulled him away from me. He left the room and Damien turned towards me.

" Alright, Anna I'm just going to get straight to the point. The Hunters are after you because you are special. You have a special gene in your blood. That consists of every,living creature on earth, such as vampires, werewolves, fairies angels and..."

"Woah hold on". I said a little bit taken aback. " What the hell are you talking about?"

Damien looked confused at first and realization sprawled on his face.

"Alright. Let me start by telling you that me and my brother here are vampires. Not like the creatures you humans describe in myths. In fact we're very different from that. We don't glow in the sunlight or burn in it. We have very high level powers such as levitation, super hearing and fast speed. Now every vampire have these powers. Some have their own unique powers like me. I'm able to travel back in time and I can also read minds. Now I know you don't believe in those stuff because that's what you were taught while living amongst the humans, but I can very much prove to you that I'm telling the truth".

I stared at him for a little bit and then bursted out laughing. " Right, nice one. Did you really expect me to believe you? I'm not stupid you know. There's no such thing as a vampire". I said still laughing at his pathetic joke.

"I assure you that I am not joking Annabelle". Damien said seriously.

" Yeah right. Can you stop playing now? I already know its a joke".

Damien walked towards me and held up my chin. He stared at me deeply when I notice his mouth was slightly open. Suddenly, I hear a hiss and I see two sharp teeth appear. I jumped back so quick, I hit my head in the wall behind me. I groaned and rubbed my now throbbing head. I looked up to see if my eyes were playing tricks on me.

" Do you believe me now?"

" You...you must be playing tricks on me...or...or you put fake fangs on". I stuttered. I tried not to believe it but deep inside I had a feeling it was true.

Damien pulled his wrist up to his mouth and bit on it. I watched in horror at the blood gushing out of his wrist. Then the wound started healing by itself. After two seconds, it's like it was never there.

" Surely you believe me now, right Annabelle?" Damien asked.

" Will y...yo..you bite me?" I had to make sure I wasn't a bag of food here.

" Of course not. I wouldn't unless you wanted me to Anna".

'Anna' I thought about the nickname. The only person who ever called me that was my brother and he's dead. I didn't realize I was crying until Damien moved closer to me and wiped my tears away. He cupped my face and made me look into his eyes. I leaned into his touch slightly without thinking.

" Hey, are you okay?" He asked gently.

I nodded. " Yes I'm fine".

" Are you sure?"

" Yes, you can continue what you were saying".

I sat back down on the couch and Damien sat next to me.

" Well before I go on any further do you have any questions?"

" Yes. Are there any other supernatural creatures out there?"

" Of course. Werewolves, hybrids, angels, fairies, witches and even demons". He said.

" Okay. You were saying earlier that I was special. What do you mean by that?" I asked still confused.

" Like I said before, you come from a vey powerful bloodline. Your ancestors called you " The Special One". Your gene is mixed with every supernatural creatures. That means you have powers beyond anything we've ever encountered. We believe that is why the Hunters want you. They want the power inside of you, and I have a feeling they won't stop until they get it". I had powers? I thought. I never knew an ordinary girl like me could have super powers. Wow. I felt cool. Although how come I never noticed anything weird?

" How do you know I have powers? I've never done anything out of the ordinary".

" Your scent is different from a normal human being. You might not have realized it but I'm pretty sure you have used your powers before".

" Ok, so the Hunters want me for my powers. How are they going to do that?"

His eyes darkened. He hesitated for a moment and let out a deep breath.

" They would have to kill you in order to do so". I suddenly felt scared at that moment. I had to get out of here as soon as possible. Who knows, they probably already know where I am; just waiting for me to get out so they could attack.

" But," Damien continued. " I will not let that happen. I swear to you Anabelle".

His face softened and I actually felt safe. But I didn't know if I could trust him. I mean he hasn't done anything for me not to trust him but I just met the guy. He might be a psycho for all I know. I also intend to keep the promise I made to my brother which was not to trust anyone but myself.

" Why would you do that? I just met you. You don't even know me".

He stared at me for a while and finally let out.

" Because, you're mine". He let out a groan and slammed me to his chest.

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