Snowball Fight! {Benevolent Academy Sneak Peek} ~Roxas~

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"When it snows, ain't it thrilling? Though your nose gets a chilling. We'll frolic and play, the Eskimo way. Walking in a winter wonderland."

All of the older members of the Leonhart family decided to go and spend the rest of Christmas Eve night out of the house. Though the younger half of the family, as well as Tristian, Zack, and Laguna, decided as well that they wanted to stay home and hang out together.

"So what are we going to do," Rain asks happily as she sits cuddled up with her older cousin, Rukia. On the couch with the two girls is also little Luke, the youngest Leonhart family member.

"It doesn't bother me what we do," the quietest Young child says with a smile as she pokes her baby brother's tummy. When she pokes his stomach, the little one year old makes a little screeching gurgling noise before smiling happily.

"Well we need to do something fun," Tristian says, stealing the little baby as she walks by the couch. She sits down in her own spot, next to Zack Fair as she continues to tickle the little boy. Everyone in the room starts to try and think of what to do with their time, though each person has their own idea of how they'd like to spend it.

"How about we kick it up like we used to as kids," the raven haired boy asks, playfully punching his friend, as she shoots him a questioning gaze. "A good old fashioned snowball fight in your backyard. You have a huge yard."

Everyone starts to think about what the boy had suggested that they do and none of them really have anything against it to say. At least that applies for most of them. Though the two that don't really want to participate aren't really intending on saying anything as they follow all of the other's lead with a false smile.

"Well? What are we waiting for? I can't wait to destroy Strife over there," Vanitas boasts, nodding his head towards his best friend and also greatest rival, Ventus Strife.

"Try me, Leonhart. I'll wreck you," the blond boy says, nudging his younger twin brother, Roxas."Isn't that right, Roxstar?"

"Uh... I guess so Ven," the boy says, trying not to anger anyone, even his own identical twin brother. Though it doesn't do too well, because his brother takes his hesitation as being unsure of his abilities and slightly pouts.

"You guys are so childish. Don't you know? Zack and I will kill you," Tristian proclaims, getting off of the couch still holding little Luke in her arms. She starts to head over to get her snow boots and jacket so she can go outside. None of the younger kids try to argue the point, because they have to admit that Zack could easily wreck any of them in any form of fighting. So instead of continuing the pointless threats of victory, everyone quickly gets ready to go outside.

"We doing teams? If so, we should pair people up by how they play. For example, me and Trissy can't be on the same team," the raven haired Fair boy explains, as everyone tries to figure out how the game will go.

"I like this idea," Namine says with a smile, standing in between her two brothers.

"I don't," the quietest Strife triplet says, making the other's look over at him. His brother Ventus whacks him behind his head.

"Stop acting silly, Roxie Poxie drinks a lot of Moxie," Ven says, making his brother only roll his eyes and scoff at him. Roxas has always thought that his brother was a bit odd and silly at times, though the nicknames he would call him as well as others are always a bit out there.

"He just doesn't want to play," Rukia sighs, knowing just how he feels, because she never found too much enjoyment out of throwing balls of frozen crystallized water at people. It is just like a frozen version of dodge-ball without the pain of the hard rubber ball being tossed at mach speed by that one person in the class that takes the game far too seriously.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2013 ⏰

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