The Darkness Beyond

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Hey guys or should I say hey first follower. So this is my first story and I hope you like it. This goes out to _Wanderlusttt_  who has helped me create this story and she's also a really good writer so you should go read her stuff too ;). Well here goes the prologue to The Darkness Beyond. Enjoy!!! :)

         I woke up in a cold sweat in bed. Thankfully I didn't wake her up. We've been friends since we were like three years old but she'd never really taken an interest in me as the "boyfriend" type. Now I know what you're thinking, "You guys are sleeping in the same bed but not dating?". Normally this never happens but on occasion I stay over really late talking into the night with her and I'm to tired to drive home. Grace can always tell if I should'nt drive. I get this glazed look over my eyes and most of the time she has to force me to stay because I don't want to get in the way of her and her current boyfriend. She has to be the most popular girl in school but she tends to attract low life dicks as boyfriends. I try to help her with judgement and which guys would actually be worth her time. Grace is also the most beautiful girl you will ever meet. She has long, flowing brown hair with sparkling green eyes and that change shades depending on her outfit. She's not pale but she's not tan either and boy is she fit. There are some tough guys out there could'nt handle her. But then there's this amazingly sweet kind side to her. Believe it or not shes more emotional than me. She does'nt take break-ups very well and I'm always the first to know when the newest guy dumps her. It breaks my heart when I see her walk into my room with those silent tears running down her face. I can always cheer her up though and she has the most infectious smile and laugh that when it appears, you can't help but smile yourself.

This night was different though. Every other Saturday we would drive around just talking and hanging out. We go to different schools so we don't get to talk much in person. Especially with me trying to get my basketball career going. Most weekends I have camps or tournaments I have to go to and I have practice every day after school, but I still manage to find time for us. I'd had a crush on Grace ever since I laid eyes on her I kust did'nt always know it. This night I was going to tell her about my feelings. This night I was going to take out relationship to the next level. Unfourtunately she told me about the new guy she was talking to and I did'nt want to mess up our friendship you know? So I just kept quiet about it all and put on my smile as she talked about him.

But I digress. So I woke up in a cold sweat. I'd had a nightmare. I'm not scared of many things just spiders and losing loved ones. This time I had lost Grace. I got off the bed quietly trying not to wake up Grace. I went downstairs and poured some tea, Grace and I's comfort drink and calmed myself down. I looked out the window at the country night sky. It was so beautiful I always loved looking at the stars. I felt a hand rest gently on my back and a gentle voice said, "Nightmare?".

I nodded and sipped my tea again. I felt her arms wrap around my waist and couldnt help but smile. I tried to hide it from her but she saw me and whispered, "Hey there's that smile I love so much."

"How'd you know I was up?", Iooked down at her.

She smiled, "I always know." She paused then said, "Troy?"

"Yes?", I answered quietly.

"Is there something you wanted to tell me? You were'nt your normal, talkative self tonight."

"No I'm fine it was just a long week I was tired.", I smiled and put my arm around her and continued looking out the window. I'm not sure how long we spent standing there but I was perfectly content being there for the rest of my life. Finally I felt a tug at my shirt and Grace asked quietly if we could back to sleep. I nodded and picked her up carrying her  upstairs. She was wearing one of my oversized shirts and I could'nt help but smile. By the time I was up the stairs she was already asleep. I laid her down gently on the bed and climbed in behind her wrapping my arm around her waist. I kissed the back of her head and slipped into my own coma of sleep.


I opened my eyes again but could'nt see anything. It must still be night time I thought. I started to sit up when my head exploded with pain and my vision turned white. I grunted and stayed still while the pain subsided. I began to realze that I wasn't with Grace anymore. I was on a cold stone floor. Had I slept walked and fallen in her basement? I listened to my surroundings. It sure didnt sound like the country anymore. I heard a rustling behind me.

"Hello?", I called quietly, "Is anyone there? I need help."

There was no help. I could feel the panic begin to rise inside me. I could'nt panic my Dad always taught me that if I was ever in a situatuion like this panicing would do nothing. The first thing I needed to do was to try and sit up and get my bearings. With my hands above my head I used my legs to push my body along the floor until i could find a wall. My hands hit something with more give, what felt like wood maybe.

I heard the rustling again. This time closer. I was getting worried I had no idea if there was something else in this room with least I hope it's a room. I tried to remember what happened and how I got here, but the more I tried to remember the more I realized. I know nothing about myself besides what happened in the dream I had before I woke up. All I know is my name is Troy and I need to get out and find Grace. I know that if I can find Grace I can find out what happened to me. These were the thoughts rushing through my mind as I felt something leap towards me out of the darkness.

Well that's the end of the prologue. I hope you guys enjoyed it if you have any comments or ideas for the story please let me know. Seeing as it's summer I will try to post a new chapter every 1-2 days so tell your friends about me and to look me up it would be much appreciated. :)

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