Chapter 2: Lost

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Hey guys so I know its been awhile and I'm sorry about that I've just been going through some stuff and I didnt really have time to write but I'm finally updating again! :) I hope you guys have been doing well and dont forget to comment and vote that would be great! Well enjoy the third part in The Darkness Beyond.

I froze in my tracks. I felt like I had just been punched in the gut. I could'nt breathe. How did I get here was just one of many questions racing through my scrambled head. i was brought back to reality when i felt a hand grasp my ankle and rip me backwards. I fell face first on the roof and my chin banged into the roof. Hard. I felt the metallic taste of blood flow through my mouth. I kicked my foot out and felt contact with my assailiant but the grip didnt loosen. I kicked out again and hurt something crack along with my ankle being released. I got up and raced along the rooftop spitting blood out of my mouth as I went. I was reaching the end of the roof. I needed to make a decsion quickly:

1). I stop and face my kidnappers and try to fight them off or

2). I jump onto the next building.

You can probably guess what I chose to do. With the little stregth I had I lept over the ledge of the building onto the next one over. Almost. The only problem I had was that I didn't quite make it. I realized that about the time that my gut landed on the edge of the other building and knocked the wind out of me. I gasped for air as I clawed at the ground trying to pull myself up. I rolled over the side onto my hands and knees as I coughed blood and tried to breathe. I saw Mac sprinting after me and I stumbled to my feet across the rooftop. I heard a bullet whiz by me and another one kicked up dust in front of me. That woke me up and started to run again despite the burning in my lungs begging me for more oxygen. I heard Mac yell as I ran and jumped onto the next roof. Except the next roof was ten feet below the last one. I flaied my arms and legs as I sailed through the air and I turned so my side would hit first. My shoulder took the brunt of the blow but I was pretty sure it was dislocated. i groaned in pain as I stood up and looked for the nearest escape ladder. I knew I didn't have much time before they would be after me. I saw the ladder peaking over the edge at the far side of the black roof and I shuffled towards it. The climb down was excruciating what with my lack of breath and dislocated shoulder. When I reached the streets below I was thankful that nobody was out and about. So I was free to sit and clear my thoughts. As I was thinking one thing was becoming clearer. I needed to find Grace. I knew she could explain what had happened to me. I kept expecting to hear tires screech around the corner coming for me. Expecting bullets to rip through my skin but they never came. Instead came the peace of sleep....

"Troy?", a soft voice called, "Troy?" . I opened my eyes slowly to see Grace leaning over me.

"Hey there peanut.", she smiled down at me. Man how I loved her smile. "How'd you sleep?", she asked still talking quietly.

"Great.", I responded sleepily,"You're up early."

She smiles again and says,"I made you breakfast."

I could suddenly smell the bacon, eggs, and maple syrup. My face lit up. She knows how much I love breakfast in bed and shes such a good cook.

"What are we going to do today?", I ask her with a piece of bacon in my mouth.

"Well I figured we could go to the park and you could teach me how to play basketball. Hey! Don't laugh at me!", I had scoffed when she said that.

"Sorry.", I mumble through my mouth full of bacon. She gives me a playful punch on the arm and continues.

"Then I thought we could go see a movie and go out to lunch after. Then we could come back here and just hang out like we always do.", She smiled big at me.

"Sounds like a plan.", I smiled back,"I'll just go get ready."

*Back with the bad guys*

A pair of shiny black shoes moved swiftly down the hallway with the sound of someone who means business. He reached a door at the end of the hallway and burst it open. Two men were standing in the room arguing. When the door burst open their shouts echoed worriedly around the room.

"SIr I can explain-", started the bigger man but he was shut up when the man in the suit pointed a gun at his chest.

"Save it Victor. I told you not to screw this up. This was your last chance we can't have you around anymore."

"No! Ple-", he was cut off by a silenced pistol shot. His body slumped to the ground like a forgotten ragdoll, a pool of blood forming around him.

The man in the suit looked at the cowering figure in the corner, whimpering and crying.

"You're pathetic Andrei. Its not worth my time to kill you."

With that the man in the suit left the room leaving Andrei with his dead companion Victor.

:O Hope you enjoyed it I love you all and please keep reading it only gets better.....I hope ;) Ta-ta my lovely readers.

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