Chapter 3: Found

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Hey guys so I got really bored today and decided to go ahead and write the next chapter. I'm still waiting for those comments so help me out if you can. You all are awesome and if you're keeping up with this thank you so much and I appreciate it a lot. :) Enjoy!

I woke up in a dimly lit room. I didn't feel in danger though, this light felt warmer and softer like a nightlight when you were a kid. I tried to look around from where I was but all I could see was the top of a worn, chipped door and the ceiling fan above me which was shaking dangerously. I tried to sit up but groaned as i felt a stabbing pain in my lungs. I heard a chair scrape against the floor and the door opened allowing light from the other room to flood into mine. The sillouette in the doorway was tall, lean, and fit. My eyes were still adjusting to the sudden brightness but I was guessing that the figure was a woman. If I had had the energy I probably would've assumed she was going to hurt me like everyone else I knew. Except for Grace I knew she wouldn't hurt me. I HAD to find her as soon as I could.

"You're up.", came a soft voice with a russian accent,"I was begining to think you'd never wake up."

I tried to talk but couldn't because my throat was so dry it felt like sand paper. The woman came over to me and offered me some water, which i sipped gratefully.

"What happened?", I asked in a raspy voice.

"I found you on the side of the road. You had blood all over your shirt and dried by your mouth and your breathing was shallow. I didn't think it was a good idea to take you to the hospital. I could tell you had been running from something. I patched you up but you have three broken ribs so you'll be bed ridden for a couple more days.", she wiped my forehead with a damp cloth to help bring my temperature down.

"How long was I out?"

"Four days.", she answered simply.

"Four days?!", I started to panic. I had lost valuable time that could've  been used searching for Grace. What if she was in trouble? What if she was hurt? I needed to get out of here and look for her!

"Hey calm down or you're going to pass out again!", the Russian lady whispered.

I looked up at her and caught my breath. She was beautiful. Sh had some of the most beautiful eyes I had ever seen. They had thin line of blue all around the farthest edge of the eye while the rest was green. She had a small nose that was rounded at the end and curved ever so slightly. Her hair was a light brown with a tint of red of here or there. She smelled like a flower full of fields and her touch was gentle and comforting. Her smile had a way of calming you and telling you everything was going to be alright. Even though she was pale, her skin complimented all of her features making her all the more stunningly beautiful. When she stood at her full height of what appeared to be 5'7 or 5'8. She carried herself with an air of independence and strength. She was, in all essence of the word, strongwilled.

She caught me gawking at her and asked her with her light accent,"What are you staring at?"

In my dumbfoundedness I replied like a fourth grader, "You're pretty."

At this comment she blushed and turned bright red due to her pale complexion. I could tell she hated that, but I loved it. I thought it was cute.

"What's your name?"


"Kalina," I let the name roll of my tongue getting a feel for it, "I like that name."

She smiled warmly at me, she appeared to be no more than 17 or 18 years old like my self. She was an amazing caretaker.

"Thank you for everything Kalina. It means a lot."

She blushed. Gosh how I loved that. "It was no probelm really. My father was in the military so I learned to do all this from him. You need more rest. I will leave the door cracked open and I'll be right outside you call me if you need anything.", she set the glass of water on the dresser next to me and left the room.

I laid on my back for quite awhile thinking about what had just happened. Kalina. She was so beautiful. But I thought I loved Grace. I was on an emotional roller coaster ride. My thoughts and feelings slowly drifted me off into the comfort of sleep where I felt I could escape the hell I was living in.


I woke to a loud banging sound and shouting voices. I heard Kalina muttering on the other side of the door in russian along with grunts as she struggled to move something. I heard two russian men shouting for her to open the door. Wait? When did I learn russian? Well it wasn't the first thing that surprised me today. I heard something large thud against the woord surrounding my door. It looked like Kalina had pushed a bookshelf or cabinet in front of the door.

I heard the door open and one of the men asked, "Have you seen this fugitive?" I assume he held up a picture of the guy.

"No.", Kaline responded in an irritated tone.

The other man spoke up, "He went missing in this area four days ago."

Wait I recognized that voice. It was smooth and higher pitched.

"You n-need to tell us if you've seen anything he's very d-dangerous."

It was Shawn! The fugitive they were talking about was me! Kalina was protecting me!

"I have seen no such boy. Now leave my home at once."

"Okay", the other man responded,"but if you see him or hear anything call us." Kaline said she would (I hope she was lying since I was in her backroom) and I heard the front door close. The bookcase scraped against the wooden floor as Kaline pulled it back. She opened the door and looked at me.

"We need to get out of here. Tonight."

Well that was close one wasn't it I hope you all enjoyed it and comment your suggestions they are greatly appreciated I'm so thankful for every person who reads this. I promise I won't disapoint well until next time.

Yours sincerely-Ethan

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