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Camryn's POV:

"wake up" i whispered to ashton

he groaned and slowly opened his eyes

"why?" he whined

"it's like, 11, and we have an hour drive to our favorite tattoo parlor" i smiled

"fuck...do we have to get tattoos...?" he hesitantly asked

"yes, it'll be fun, and you'll be pimping" i replied

"ugh..give me a second to get up then" he said

The guys were up and ready and are so scared to get tattoos and piercings. They've been asking us to reschedule this.

The girls and i went to our rooms to get dressed.

We all chose black ripped skinny jeans, but i paired my jeans with black boots, and a dark blue crop top that i topped with a black denim jacket.

Katy paired her jeans with a grey over-sized mens t-shirt and black doc martins. 

Kaylee wore her jeans with black vans and a stitch muscle shirt with a black lace bra underneath

And alyssa put on a white t-shirt, black jeans and black high top converse

"yo, im ready for this tattoo" alyssa said with a fist pump

we all high-fived and walked out to the guys.

"ya'll ready?" katy asked

the all shook their heads 'no' and we laughed

"yes you guys are. If you psych yourselves out now it will be no fun, so chill" kaylee said 

we walked out of our room, down to the back and over the fence as usual. 


After an hour in the car we finally arrived at 'get inked' tattoo parlor.

"hello" a lady at the front desk said

"hi" i smiled

"LADIES!" our old friend jack said coming out from the back

"hi jack!" we smiled and waved

"how do you know everyone?" michael whispered

"family friends, friends friends, and just friends" katy laughed

we all went and gave jack a hug

"are these your boyfriends?" jack asked

"no, just our guy friends, we're all here to get tattoos" alyssa said

"you girls know i do piercings as well" jack reminded

"oh yeah! and piercings for the boys!" kaylee practically yelled

"alright come to the back guys, and pick some tattoo designs or have my artist draw out your design. Do you want piercings or tattoos first?" jack asked

the guys gave each other a nervous look and shrugged

"piercings first since it'll be quick" i answered

"wait wait..what if it hurts?" calum said

"its quick cal, dont worry" alyssa smiled

calum nodded his head and we walked into the back.

the girls and i went to the artist to get our tattoos drawn out, and the guys went to get prepped for piercings

"i dont know what to get" michael said to katy

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