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Katy POV:

"WAKE UP!" Camryn yelled and slapped Kaylee's boob


"Oh boo hoo" Alyssa shook her head

"They deserve respect too" kaylee pouted

"Bitchacho tits always deserve respect" I laughed

The girls and I got ready to go out for some breakfast, rehearsal, Starbucks, and the club. So ready to turn up.

I wore a giant white 'will work for coffee' sweater, black skinny jeans with rips at the knees, a beanie, and black doc martins. Alyssa wore black skinny jeans, black vans and a panic at the disco band shirt. Camryn wore black skinny jeans with a rip in one knee, a dark red crop top, a black wide rimmed fedora , and black combat boots. Kaylee wore a white 'sassy but classy' crop top, high waisted black skinny jeans, and white doc martins.

squad goals.

"ready to go?" calum asked walking into our room

"what the fuck? how did you just walk in?" i asked

"we have extra cards" mikey laughed walking in from behind him

"okay. anyone else want to magically appear from behind cal?" alyssa said in a sassy tone

"thanks for the invite" ashton laughed when he walked around the corner into our room along with luke.

"no but really, are you girls ready to go?"  calum asked again

"yeah" cam said and ran to grab her phone from her room.

We all walked to the van and hopped in.

"first, starbucks" i ordered

"no, we're going to the studio" luke said

"STARBUCKS STARBUCKS" i started cheering and the girls joined in

"fine fine!" luke yelled "just shut up" 


We finally arrived at starbucks and the girls and i ran in.

"HI" we said loudly

"hello" the cashier laughed

we ordered our usual stuff and waited for it.

"hey" a voice sounded from behind us

"hi" i said turning around first then the girls followed me

"oh. woah." the guys said 

"what? is there something on our faces?" kaylee asked

"no its just your face" camryn said sticking her tongue out at kay

the guys infront of us laughed and shook his head

"no, you guys are just cuter than my friends and i thought" he said pointing back to a group of dudes behind him

god they are all so cute

"oh thanks" i said with a smile

"can we get your numbers?" one of his friends asked walking up towards us

"they are actually taken." calum said walking in and hearing the question

He walked over and wrapped his arm around alyssa's shoulder

"come on, the guys are waiting" he said and we followed him out after grabbing our coffee

I shot the guys an apologetic look and kept walking. 

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