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M: We'll be right there

Camryn's POV:

the girls and i were building sandcastles until katy decided to take her pajama pants off and wear her spandex and shirt and she ran to the water.

"dude! its to cold to swim!" i yelled over at her

"its never to cold! NEVEEEER" she yelled back

i laughed. Alyssa and kaylee joined her while i continued making a sandcastle.

"hey" an australian accent sounded from behind me

"hello?" i said slowly turning around "oh hey!" i immediately said once i saw ashton and the guys.

"why were you so hesitant?" ashton asked

"because we're not supposed to be here" i said with an evil smile

"oh, then should we go?" calum asked

"dont be silly. we're staying" i stated

the girls came back to where we were and said hey to the guys

"you guys are here illegally?"luke asked

"yeah, why not? its fun. gives a rush. we even live somewhere illegal" Katy replied with quotation marks around the word "illegal"

"wait, what? where do you guys live?" michael asked

"over there" alyssa said pointing at our abandoned condo

"but its fenced" ashton said with a confused look

"we'll show you our skills" kaylee winked and we ran to our condo.

the boys followed close behind. In swift movements we took turns climbing the fence and jumping over.

"how the fuck.." calum said confused

"just climb guys, come on hurry" i said

"why do we have to hurry?" michael asked

"at any point we can get caught" katy said

the guys took turns climbing the fence. they weren't very fast, but they eventually got over.

"sooo...why an abandoned building?" ashton asked

"no rent needs to be paid, and its all our own." kaylee smiled

They followed us up to our room.

"whoa" the guys said in unison once we got to our floor.

"you guys have everything. how did you guys get it all to work in an abandoned building?" luke asked

"we just rewired everything" katy smiled

"i rewired everything. katy just hooked everything up and got up blocks so feds cant find us squating in an abandoned place" alyssa said

"cool" the guys stated and made themselves at home.

"quick question. how do you order pizza?" michael asked

"we just go and get them, thats it" i answered

"THATS AWFUL!" michael whinned

"i know right!" katy joined

"idea. lets play, never have i ever" i smiled

"LETS GOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!" kaylee yells

"okay" the guys answer with a shrug

"i'll start" i said "never have i ever...ignored an adult"

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