Chapter 1

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It's a boy: Ayden Elijah Carter. 11/16/13 I read the band around my baby's arm.

He was so small and cute with pretty brown eyes like his father. I looked at him and smiled. I picked up my phone and dialed Ryan's number again. "Hello?" He said sounding half sleep. "Where are you? I been trying to call your ass all night I was having contractions and my water broke." I said annoyed by him. "I was sleep Nadia damn can a nigga get some sleep?" He said. "Not when his girl is in labor!" I yelled.

"You at the hospital yet?" He asked me. He got some nerve to ask me that. "Yeah, I been here since 3 in the morning pushing trying to wait for you to be here with me but no you weren't you were somewhere else." I sighed looking over at the clock.

"Oh damn baby I'm sorry I'm on the way over I love you I can't wait to see my lil man," he said trying to sound excited "Ok Ryan" I hung up the phone and grabbed Ayden who was sleeping and sucking on a pacifier. I held him in my arm and dozed off.

Ryan:  I'm finally a dad this is my first child I'm excited about being a father and having a son. I can't wait to tell all my niggas I'm finally a father. I got out of bed took a shower , brushed my teeth, I put on a pair of sweatpants and a hoodie since it was still early in the morning. I went in my mother's bedroom her door was shut I knocked she didn't answer so I opened the door. She was in her bed sleeping with her phone on the other side of her. I shook my head then I went over to the bed and tapped her on the shoulder. "Momma?" I said waiting for her to get up. "What boy? What time is it?" She said pissed off at me for waking her up. "It's 7 I think my baby boy here," I said. She turned over looking at me. "Already? I thought she wasn't due until next week" she looked over at me. "Yea but I guess he early I'm about to head over there to see how she doing," I said grabbing my keys. "Ok son love you, tell Nadi I'll be over later." She said laying back down.

I got in my car and drove off. I decided to go to the store and get some balloons and head over to the hospital. I was hungry so I stopped by the McDonald's down the street from the hospital and got some breakfast since it was only 8 in the morning. I got a bacon egg and cheese biscuit and a drink then I got Nadia pancakes and a drink I knew she was probably starving. After I left McDonald's I drove to the hospital and then went in and went to the labor and delivery floor with the balloons and food in my hands. I was so excited about seeing my baby for the first time. I went to the front desk to ask what room they were in "I'm looking for Nadia Carter" I said to the lady. "She's in room 208," she said. I went down the hall to the room I looked in the room Nadia and Ayden was knocked out. I sat in the chair beside her and watched them as they were sleeping. Nadia must've heard me come in she woke up when I was making noise. "Wake up sleepy head" I smiled at her. "Shut up fool you wanna hold your son?" She asked me. "Yeah let me hold him," I said reaching my out hand. I picked up my Ayden who was still asleep he was sleeping so peacefully and moving a little bit in his sleep. "Hold his head, Ryan," Nadia told me as I was holding my son for the first time. I looked at Nadia and gave her a kiss. "He looks just like you," Nadia said looking at me. "Yea my little man" I was so proud to be a father.

Nadia: Watching Ryan hold Ayden was the cutest thing I've ever seen. I was happy being a mother and having my baby's father here with me I looked over at the balloons he brought and the food but I don't think Ryan is ready to grow up it's going to be hard for us to do things that we used to do now that we have a baby. He's not going to give up the streets and take care of his baby. "You staying here with me tonight so my mom can go home and get some rest?" I asked him. "Yea I guess so I gotta get some clothes." He said looking around. "Where's yo ma at anyways?" He added. "She went home to get my dad and some clothes for me and Ayden to wear home where's the car seat?" I asked him. "It's at home baby when do you get to go home?" He said. "I don't know maybe tomorrow. "Well I gotta get my clothes and make a couple runs I'll be back over," Ryan said looking over at me in the hospital bed and Ayden in a baby blanket beside me.  "I love you" he gave me a kiss on the check then kissed Ayden on the forehead. "I love you too don't take forever to come back," I said.  "you know I wanna spend time with my babies" he smiled at me. I smiled back.

Ryan: looked over and seen Nadia's mom and dad walk in. They really don't like me they think I messed up their daughter's life because I got her pregnant. But I'm going to be there for my son no matter what. I ain't no deadbeat dad and I don't want to be one either. "Hey Mr. and Mrs. Carter ," I said with a smile on face. Her mother turned up her nose and he dad rolled his eyes. "Ryan," Her mother said not looking my way. I shook my head and went over to Nadia "I'm about to go I'll back later love you" I gave her a kiss on the cheek. "Love you too," she said to me. I headed out the door and went to my car and drove off I had moves to make and money to take care of my child.

A thugs baby mama: Nadia's storyWhere stories live. Discover now