Chapter 9

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School was going to be ok today but that dumb hoe fucked it up. I just don't understand why she still wants Ryan. He's been with me for 2 years and he ain't going nowhere.

I got in my car and drove to my mother's house I pulled up at her house.

I moved out after Ayden was born with Ryan she wasn't too happy about my idea but I wanted to move so I and Ryan can be a family.

I got out the car walking up to the door I waited for her to answer. She finally came to the door.

"Hey, mama," I said to her.

"Hey sweetie" she gave me a hug and we walked into the house it was quiet now that nobody lives there but her my dad moved out when they separated.

"Where's Ayden? Did you go to school today?" She asked me questions. "Of course and he's with his father."

I sat down on the couch and looked at her she was shaking her head. "Why did you leave here? I took care of you for 17 years and you leave here you're not even grown yet!" She yelled at me.

"I wanted to move with Ryan so we can have a family and I'm good ma," I said to her.

"You're only 17 still in school you haven't graduated yet and you already making those decisions! It's bad enough you had a baby at your age!" She yelled at me.

A tear came down my face she really hurt my feelings it hurts me knowing my mom hates me so much for being a teen mother.

She's was no different from me she had my brother at 16.

"All I wanted was kids to make something out of themselves and not follow me" she cried.

I felt bad for letting her down but I feel worse now she's saying all those negative things. "it's not too late I still have a chance but I guess it's not good enough!" I yelled out I got up and started to walk out the door I didn't want to be around her any more.

"Nadia! Nadia!" She ran after me but I was gone. I got in my car and drove off I was just so upset I just wanted to go home and lay down.


I pulled up to the apartment I got out the car seat Ayden was sleep and I got out it was hot and kids were outside running around playing.

I walked up to our apartment building got out the key and opened the door I saw Nadia's car outside.

"Nadia baby where you?" I screamed she didn't answer.

I went up the stairs put Ayden in his crib. I walked into our bedroom after and seen Nadia laying on the bed crying her eyes out.

I looked confused. "what's wrong?" I said walking toward the bed.

She didn't answer me she just cried I rubbed her hair and gave her a kiss on the cheek. "Bae talk to me," I said hugging her.

"My own ma don't love me no more maybe I should just go back I don't know what to do she hate me, Ryan, why did you have to get me pregnant at 16!?" She cried out.

"Wait what? Go back where?" I asked her.

"Back home." She said to me.

"You think I would've got an apartment and moved you in if I wasn't ready? I love you I want the best for both of yall I never will leave you hanging" I said rubbing her face.

She laid on my chest and I rubbed on her hair. "I love you too Ryan," she told me laying back down on my chest.

I wiped the tears from her face I felt bad for her I hate to see my girl cry. "I told you I got you I ain't going nowhere" I said to her. Causing her to smile.

We laid on the bed Nadia dozed off my phone started to ring I looked at my phone it was an unknown number I looked at the message from the number it was Tylisha.

Hey, this Ty it was great seeing you today I hope we can catch up on things. Maybe hang out?

I read the text message from Tylisha and shook my head with a smirk on my face I looked over at Nadia who was still sleeping and I replied back.

What's up yea it was I got to see what I'm doing we can catch up one day.

I looked at the phone at a picture of me, Ayden and Nadia. We look like a happy family I smiled at the picture I love my girl and my son but I still had some feelings for Tylisha.


I laid down on my bed looking at the text message from Ryan. I smiled at the message I really miss him but I know we will never go back to the way we use to be.

He moved on and forgot all about me after we broke up we went different ways I never seen him I stayed in trouble all the time.

I was never in school I just got out of jail a couple months ago I've been in trouble ever since I was 12 or 13.

I stayed in juvenile after me and Ryan broke up with each other I didn't even care about getting in trouble I've done a lot.

I robbed people, stole from my foster mom, got into fights and was on the corner for a while.

I just can't believe I went back to school and stayed this long. This my first time getting in trouble since I been back.

I have been suspended from school so many times the principal get tired of seeing me.

I'm 18 years old and I've been in and out of jail for years I had to do 6 months for stealing shit from the store.

The judge was supposed to give me a 1 year but he took off some of the time so I only got 6 months.

I've been trying to turn my life around but it's been hard considering I'm a blood and do bad stuff so it's going to be hard to do better.

A thugs baby mama: Nadia's storyWhere stories live. Discover now