Chapter 11~Pina Coladas

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~Lia's POV~

I honestly hate everything about Matt, there is no good in him. If there were, I can't see it. I dislike him so much, Im so confused in why I ever spent so much time stressing about him.

I walk as slow as I can to my car, hoping he'd open the door and tell me to come back in. Yes, I hate him but I might like him. I just like the sexy side of him, the sweetheart, the one that likes to joke around not the one that is a jerk and pulls me around like a puppet.

I kissed Luke? Well I mean I guess I was pretty drunk, but yay me. I had never had the gut to kiss a really hot guy. Bonus point, for him being one of Matts bestfriends.

I get in my car, and place the black shades over my eyes and begin to drive away. I stop at a coffee shop, I order myself a large frapuchino. Like, my day is bad enough why not get some extra calories in it. I take a seat at one of the tables in the corner. I sit there and look around at all these different people, they seem like they have their life in priority and everything, like their life is all well. Then theres me, no parents, no brother, no nothing.

I take a very large sip from my coffee. As I place it down on the table, I see my wrists bursting with a color of red. "Hey." I hear, I look up and see Mike. I put my hands under the table, but I notice that he had seen my wrists.

"Hi" I grin.

"Ouch. " he takes a sip from his coffee. "What happened?" He looked at me.

"A fight, between me and my friends." I giggle and look around nervously.

"Interesting." He throws in a laugh.

"Yeah, I place my head on my hand and smile at his stunning smile. I rememeber then how Matt was so jealous about him but I obiously didn't care.

"Wanna hang out?" he finally said. "lets go." I said and stood up.


Mike and I have been hanging out all afternoon. Right now we are on our way to his apartment. We are gonna watch some movies that I had recomended and learn how to make some pina coladas.

"I think you put the pinnapple juice in now" I giggle as I pass it to him.

"Well thanks, Mrs smarty pants." He smiles and continues his job. I watch as he pours it in slowly into the blender.

He's the type of guy that you can stay up till dawn and watch movies, in our pjs. Hes the guy you can wear absolutely anything and he wont judge you. He's the guy that you can wear your hair up as you guys wrestle for the remote. The guy that you can order pizza with late at night. The guy that will fall in love with you and all your flaws. He's the guy...

"want to take a picture, it will last longer." He laughs, and I loose my thought. I giggle, I relalize that I was staring, and just then I add the finishing ingridient before starting the blender.

As I watched him pour the pina colada, I finished my thought. He's the guy... that I should fall in love with.

"Alright, here comes some of great pina coladas that you will ever taste!" He walks over.

"Well.. hmm. Lets see." I put the glass up to my lips and feel the icy yummy taste touch my tounge.

"mmm.." we both make the noice after the first taste.

"Delisious." I say as I press play to the movie.

The movie begins, the whole room is silent, I feel this awkward tension in the room. The tension in which both people feel something for each other but both are scared to say anything. I feel him getting closer, and my heart jumps. I know I met Mike around the time that I met Matt. Yet I have feelings for Matt, Why cant I have them for Mike as well. Its bad of me, but they both treat me so differently. The feeling I get from each one of them is different.

through laughs and sarcastic comments. Tords the middle of the movie, I feel his eyes layed on me. I don't know what it means but its there.

~Mike's POV~

I feel the room have this weird tension, that I just wanna break. I don't even understand the movie that well because I am so distracted by Lia's presence.

She is everything I have been looking and waiting for. She can be the one. Ever since I decided to talk to her for the first time, I have seen some progress. I just hope that she really is done with Matt and I am the only guy she is talking and hoping to have something with.

I stare for a moment and I know that Its pretty obvious by now that she can tell that I am staring. I decide to say something. "Dang, how can someone be so precious."

"What?" She puts the biggest smile on her face. "Its true. Lia, can I tell you something?" I hold her hand.

I could feel her heart jump.

~Lia's POV~

As soon as Mike's hands held onto mine, its like electricity traveled up to my body, and as if my heart had jumped out of my chest.

"yes?" I respond.

"Lia, I have been thinking a lot about you lately." He gets closer. I swear Im gonna loose it. "I can't get you out of my mind.. Is it--"

I hear a phone call in, and I reach for my phone. I look at the caller ID.


My heart really jumps out this time, and Mike gets up. Mike saw the caller Id. I press answer.


"Lia, come right now to my apartment. There's something I have to tell you. Something important. Something about your brother." My eyes shoot a look at Mike, who looks furious by the way.

I hang up. Shocked. What could Matt know? "I have to go." I stood up and grabbed my bag.

"Thanks for everything." I kiss Mike in the cheek and start to walk towards the door. "Yeah." I could hear him say in a whisper.

Oh Mike... Im sorry.


Well theres that, do you think Lia wil fall in love with Matt or Mike?

Who should she fall in love with?

xoxo, leslie.

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