Chp 4 ~ Man, You Suck

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♥️ Lia's POV ♥️

I turned to look at Matt one last time, he lied, that's all that went through my head.

Why would the bad boy 'Matt Hunter' like me? He actually enjoys those hoes. Not my problem.

I walked into my last class of the day, I took a seat, I put my hair in a bun and was ready to pay attention, although all I thought was about Matt.

Why did he do that?

I wondered my eyes around the room, I saw this guy looking at me. I smiled and looked away.

"Hey, so I heard you and Matt had sex." the girl next to me whispered to me.

"What? no we didn't." I snapped back.

"That's what everyone is saying."


"Yeah, including Matt." she started to read.

What? Matt has been saying that? That big liar. anger flew through me and I thought about what an idiot he is. I don't like him. Do i?

The anger got to me, There was thirty minutes left of class. I couldn't wait thrifty minutes. I got up and walked out.

"Mrs, where you going.?" My teacher asked.

"Bathroom." I walked out.

I ran up to Matt, he was with his crew.

"You! what the fuck?" I pointed at Matt.

"Woah Lia, calm down." he pushed my hands down.

"No, I pushed him back, Matt your a big liar! We have never done anything!"

"But you'd like to." he caressed my cheek.

"No! Never talk to me ever." I walked away back into class.

His crew stared at him, but they laughed. I saw him laugh as well. ouch.


I was quietly sitting in my room, when there was a knock on my door.

If it's matt I will slam the door in his face, I walked up to the door,

"Hi." It was the guy from my class that smiled at me.

"Hi." I smiled.

"This is really awkward but hi Lia, my name is Mike." he smiled.

He was tall, with dark brown hair. He had brown eyes, and he was extremely attractive.

"Also, well I was wondering if you'd like to hang out today.?"

"Uh, sure."

"That way we can get to know each other." mike looked at me.

"Yeah! Let me get my purse." I ran to my room, and came right back.


"Ready." we walked out to his car.

"Okay I don't know you." I blurted out.

"I know, truth is, I have this huge crush on you, and I'd like to get to know you." Mike confessed as he opened the door.

"Oh really? aw." I got in the seat.

"Yeah." he blushed.

He took me to the movie theater. We walked in and watched a movie together. I got to know more about him and he's actually a nice guy. He's so sweet. we had so much fun, he then took me home.

"Alright well thank you." he walked me up to my door.

"Thank you for accepting." He smiled.

I giggled and gave him a hug. I opened the door and I was about to go in.

"Hey, stay away from Matt, he'll hurt you."

"Yeah, he's the past."

"So your single."

"I have always been, I never have been his girlfriend."

"Oh okay, well hopefully, I can change your status." Mike winked and walked away.

I closed the door, and walked straight to the shower.

♥️ Matts POV ♥️

"Dude, Mike is out. he will never get in the way." I spoke through the phone to Bryan.

"Yeah, but man, he's got her. You totally like screwed up. After she came up to you and told you off."

"Nah, she'll fall for me. She has." I hung up.

Oh Lia, you think you can get rid of me so easily, your nightmare just started. This guy Mike, yeah he doesn't like me and neither do i. We used to be bestfriends in middle school, I broke it off. Everyone thinks he's sweet and the cool guy that gets good grades, but in reality he's screwed up just like me. Lia's not that stupid, she'll figure it out sooner or later.

Bryan predicts that Lia will leave me forever, and ignore me. I think she wont. She's already in love with me, theres no going back. I'll have Lia head over heels for me soon.

Lia, hold on tight. The ride just started..


Blah blah..

Thank you so much for reading this chapter!

What do you think will happen??

Will Lia come back to Matt or will she stay with Mike.?

Who do you ship more?

#liatt > Matt and Lia


#Miake > Mike and Lia

Ahh see you next chapter! ☀︎

-leslie ☁︎

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