Chp. 7 - The Spongebob Episode

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♥️ Lia's POV ♥️

I walked into the apartment and a tear went down my cheek as I closed the door. Matt is threatening me. I can't with this, I feel so stupid for falling for him.

I turn around as I hear Elena speak. "lia are you okay?" she stands worried. "yeah I am." I wiped the tear away, and walked towards my room.

"Lia! did Matt hurt you?!" she grabbed for my wrist, her fingers wrapped around my wrist, hurts more than anything right now, but I hold in the pain.

I stood in silence wanting to tell her everything that happened, but then she'd get hurt.

"No, he didn't do anything, I'm fine." I pulled my wrist and walked into my room. I closed the door, and dropped to the floor. I hate him. But I love him. I pulled my hair with anger, and cried not caring that my mascara and makeup was running, I really hated my self. why did I fall? why lia?

The next morning I woke up to a call, I rubbed my eyes and reached for my phone, it was matt. I swallowed, nervous.

I pressed answer; "hello?"

"Goodmorning beautiful. I wanted to hear your voice."

"Uh goodmorning." I spoke.

"Hope you slept well. let's hang out?" my heart froze, no I didn't want to, but I had to.

"Uhh.." I said.

"So yeah? I'll pick you up at 3, dress nice" he laughed.

"Um okay." I fake smiled, and then I ended the call.

I let go of the tears, that shouldn't come but did. I put my phone to charge and ran to the bathroom. I had dark circles and red swollen eyes, did I cry myself to sleep?

I ran the hot water, and striped down my pjs and jumped in for a warm shower.

"Please be a good day." I whispered to myself.

I finished with my shower and put on all my clothes, a white crop top and a black high waisted skirt. I applied concealer under my eyes and some foundation, followed by some blush and my eyeliner and mascara. I looked down at my wrists and they were red as blood.

I put on some cover up, and tried my best to cover them, so not Elena or Lizzie would notice.

I put on my deodorant and sprayed some perfume and walked out to get some lunch.

I prepared myself a hot pocket and sat on the counter as I channel surfed.

"Hey!!" I greeted Lizzie and Elena as they walked out to the living room.

"Hey! what's up?" Lizzie asked.

"Yeah were are you going? you're all dressed up." Elena smiled.

"I'm going out with matt, and no judgement please." I jumped off the counter and walked over to sit with them.

"Thats great, hope you have fun" they smiled at me.

"Yeah,," i silently said as i looked down at the furry carpet.

"You alright?" Lizzie interupted.

"Yeah im okay." I looked up and smiled. I looked at the tv that was playing spongebob, the last time I watched spongebob, it was with my parents. Oh how i miss those times.

This episode brought tears to my eyes as I remember the smile on my dads face as I told him that this was my favorite episode., and my moms laugher along. And seconds later my little brother luke would come running in his undies, he was three but he was so adorable.

"You are not okay.. Whats wrong tell us.." They turned down the volume and looked at me.

"Well a flashback just came to me, how the last time I watched spongebob, this episode." I pointed at the tv. "was with my parents and luke." I frowned and let go of my tears.

"Aw Lia come here." I got up and go in the middle of Lizzie and Elena as the hugged me tight.

"I miss them so much." I cried.

"I know, i know honey." They brushed the hair away from my face.

"they are in a better place." Elena smiled at me.

"I know," I weakly smiled back.

After all the hugs, in the morning i fixed my makeup and walked outside, I was ready to go and hang out with matt. I have no clue, where we are going, but hope its not bad.

"Hey," He drove up, and opened the car door for me.

"Hey," I fake smiled and climmed in.

"Ready to go?" He looked at me.

"Yeah." I smiled and off we drove...


oop, done! Its a small chapter, but I just hope it expands a little more.

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thank you for reading this chapter!

::- Leslie ::

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