Chapter 13

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Lanas POV

I want to get things back to normal ASAP. I want to be able to fully trust her again and not over think again. I don't want to worry about losing her, or her losing me. I just want us to be happy. "Hey Pais, wanna go out for lunch?" "Yea! Sounds great." We slip our shoes on and head out the door.

I get in the drivers side and Paisley sits in the passenger seat.  I buckle my seat belt and put the key into the ignition. "Where do you want to go?" I look over and she's struggling with the tangled seat belt. "Um, i don't care. You can choose." I back out of the lot and head down the street. To break the silence, Paisley turns on the radio. 

The drive wasn't too long. We arrive at a small retro place. We walk in and we are seated immediately, since it's not busy. It takes a while for the waitress to take our order, but she finally comes. "Hello I'm Marina I'll be taking care of you today." She says with a devilish smile. You've got to kidding me. I roll my eyes. I need to be nice. I can't cause a scene, even if I want to tear her to shreds. "May I take your order?" "Water." "Okay and for you?" She eyes Paisley. "Uh, water." She closes her notepad. "Okay! I'll have that right out for you." She walks away, I watch her closely. Making sure she doesn't look back here.

I turn to Paisley. "Are you kidding me. What were the odds of this happening?" I let out a heavy sigh.  Paisley puts her hand on my arm. "Lana, it's okay. Just breathe. She won't do anything, especially since you're with me." "She's lucky I don't punch that smile off her face." "Um, here are your drinks. Are you ready to order?" She leans over Paisley to hand me my drink. I tap my nails on my seat. Paisley puts her hand over mine. "What would you like to eat?" "I'll have a club." "And for you Paisley?" She "accidentally" bumped into Paisley. "Salad." She walks away and hangs our order up in front of the cook. I watch her as she walks to the bathroom. "I'll be right back, I'm going to go to the bathroom." "Okay." Paisley smiles.

I'm going to fucking kill her. I'll do it. I push open the door and see Marina fixing her hair in front of the mirror. I push her up against the wall. "I swear to fucking god Marina. Stay away form Paisley. She's mine. I will not hesitate to kill you." "Oh,Paisley's got a feisty one on her hands." She smirks. She pushes me back. "I do what I want. She deserves better anyway." She walks out of the bathroom. I walk out a few seconds later. I walk back to the table and act like everything is fine. 

"Would you like refills?" She walks back over to our table. Why is she doing this. Just leave us alone. She's probably doing this to piss me off. And its working. She pours water into our cups. She spins around causing her skirt to fly up. I whisper. "Paisley I can't do this for much longer. I'm gonna go get some fresh air for a bit." "Oh, uh okay." She has a concerned look on her face. I walk outside and sit on the curb. I pull a cigarette out of the box and light it. I inhale and immediately feel better. I know I was supposed to try to stop smoking but I needed this one. I finish my cig and toss it onto the ground. I walk back inside and sit in the booth across from Paisley. Soon after, Marina brings  our food.

"Finally." I bite into my sandwich. Different flavors fill my mouth. I look over at Paisley and she's picking through her salad. 'Are you okay hun?" "Oh yea, I'm fine. Just not very hungry." I look around the restaurant. It's mostly filled with cute old couples, occasionally you'd see the workers serving food.  I also notice Marina bent over cleaning off tables. Purposely facing her ass towards our table. That's it I can't take it anymore. Paisley must have noticed me staring at her. "Lizzy? Are you okay?" She grabs my hand across the table.I shake my head no. "I can't do it anymore Pais."

 I get up out of the booth. I run over to her and jump onto her back, causing both of us to fall. She screams. I start swinging my arms, hoping im hitting her. "I told you to stay the fuck away from Paisley you whore." She starts to fight back. I feel her punch my arms and my stomach. It's not fazing me much. I hear screams from behind me. Paisley. "Lana! Stop!" I hit her one more time,right in the face. I feel Paisley push me off of her. She yanks my arm and pulls me out of the restaurant. We run to the car and speed off.

"Lana, are you okay? Are you hurt?" "No. I'm fine." I grab her hand and bring it to my face. I kiss her hand softly. "I'm sorry you had to see that, I just couldn't do it anymore. She was trying to take you from me again. My anger just took over me and I couldn't stop myself. I warned her when I went into the bathroom. She deserved it anyway" "Lizzy, it's okay. I understand. Just please don't do it again, you could've gotten hurt. It also makes you look bad." "I don't care, I don't let anyone come between us. I can't lose you."

We pull up to the hotel. "We're leaving tomorrow morning. I can't be here any longer. I nod my head. "Ok Lana let's go get you cleaned up and make sure you're okay. Then we can just chill out here for the rest of the night okay?" I kissed her. "Okay."

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