Chapter 18

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Paisley's POV

I'm nervous about being here. I ran away from here for a reason, though I do miss a few things. Just some places I used to go, not many of the people though. I don't want anyone to know I'm here, I figured I'd never see any of this again. Lana pulls up to a hotel and we check in and head to our hotel room. I walk in and head to the bedroom to unpack everything. Hopefully we won't be here for long. "I hope you're okay with staying here. Since you ran away. Sorry this was the first place I saw and I was tired of driving. If I knew this is where you came from I would've drove for a little longer. I walk over and place a small kiss on her lips. "It's okay, I've missed a few things here. How about I show you around tomorrow?" She nods her heads and smiles, "I'm gonna take a quick shower." I give her another kiss then continue unpacking.

I finally finish unpacking and change into pajamas. I'm too tired to wait for Lana to get out so I'll just go to bed now. I crawl under the blankets and try to fall asleep. I hear Lana come in a few minutes later. I feel her get in next to me. She wraps her arm around me and kissed my neck. "Goodnight Pais, I love you." I whisper, "Night, I love you too."


I wake up and the sun is shining through the windows. I turn to face Lana, who is still asleep. She looks so peaceful. The sun coming through shining on her dark hair. Her breathing was deep and relaxed. Sorry, but I have to ruin it. I straddle her and begin to gently kiss all over her face. "Wake up Lizzy." A smile creeps onto her face, then her eyes flutter open. She wraps her hands around my neck and pulls me down into a long, soft kiss. "Good morning." "We gotta get ready so I can show you everything." I hop off of her and go to the dresser to pick out my outfit.

I undress myself and put on leggings, a tank top, and white converse. I go to the bathroom to finish getting ready. I put my hair up in a ponytail and apply light makeup. I go back into the bedroom and see Lana had fell back asleep. I walk over to her and put my hands on my hips. "Laannaaa. Get up." She shakes her head no. Fine, I guess I'll do it the hard way. I get back on top of her and start to tickle her. She squeals and starts laughing. "Okay okay I'm up!" She pushes me off of her and gets up. "God, you're so annoying. Can't get any sleep around with you around here." She winks. "Oh, whatever. Just hurry up and get ready."

Lana puts on dark, ripped jeans and a Guns N' Roses tank top with converse. Her hair is down and wavy at the ends. I get up off the bed. "Finally." She rolls her eyes and we head out.

We start walking down the sidewalk of the small town. I take her hand and start heading to my favorite store. It's a small music shop. We walk in and I notice Lana looking around at everything. There's all kinds of instruments in here. "I used to come here sometimes after school. To avoid going home. I would come in and play with eveything. I eventually taught myself how to play piano. I actually wrote a song or two." We spent about 10 minutes in the store playing now with all of the stuff in there.

We walk a little farther down the street and went into a small Italian restaurant. I knew the owners of the place. They're more like my family than my real family. We walk in and the bells above the door ring. I didn't see anyone at first. "Hello?" I see a small elderly woman and her grand daughter peek in from the back. Their mouths drop and they come over to me. I hug them both. "We've missed you Paisley. Haven't seen you in months. Where have you been? And who's this?" "Uh, I've been all over actually..with Lana, my girlfriend." I grab her hand and smile. "Lana, this is Loretta and her granddaughter Willow." She smiles at them. "Are you girls hungry? We just finished making spaghetti if you'd like some." "Yea sounds great."  We all sit down at a table, no one else is in here so they're able to eat with us. I catch up with Loretta and Willow, since I haven't seen them in forever. I notice Willow keeps looking at Lana, and I can tell it's making Lana uncomfortable. I place my hand on her knee. "So Lana, tell us about yourself, and how did you two meet?" "Well, I was in New York one morning, and I noticed this girl sleeping outside on a bench. Soaked, from the rain the night before. I felt bad for her and took her in to get her all cleaned up.. Over time I kinda just fell for her, and it just so happened to be Paisley. And I am a singer, Lana Del Rey. I'm not huge but I'm happy where I'm at right now." She smiled. Willow spoke up. "I thought I've seen you before! And Paisley, why were you in New York?" They both knew about my parents and how they were. I told them how I ran away to New York and how Lana and I have been traveling while she's not on tour. We finish eating and I say my goodbyes so we can finish walking around.

The last place I wanted to show her was an old creek I used to go to. I take Lana's hand and walk down to the creek. I take off my shoes and stick my feet in the water. Lana did the same. "I used to come here when I was upset. It got me away from people for a while. I would come and listen to the water flow,watch the people walking by, and think for a while. I've missed this the most." I smile a bit. We sit in silence for s while, enjoying each others company. I lay my head on Lana's shoulder. "It's getting late we should probably head back. We get up and put our shoes back on and went back to the hotel for the night.

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