Chapter 9

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I walked into the restaurant. The air was crisp because it was the start of fall I love fall, I love the chilly weather and how you get to wear a sweater.

I could hear someone calling my name I looked around the empty resturant until my eyes fell on a young woman probably about 5"4" walking out of the kitchen towards me. She had long black waves hair that reached her but and huge blue eyes. I noticed her build to she had a nice bod. Nice sized boobs and butt. I thought about my body self consciously and found myself comparing my body to hers.
" hi I'm Diana " she said " your the new girl Olivia right?"
" umm yeah " I said nervously.
" ok " she said " well follow me I'll show you around "

After that Diana showed me how to do stuff and the best ways to take orders. She told me that today was training day and I wouldn't really start work until tomorrow. It was pretty easy until we got to the part about carrying a bunch of dishes at once. I dropped them and the all made a loud bang when they hit the floor which in turn made the cook jump and burn himself and start screaming at me. After that Diana and I sat on the floor and picked up the broken dish shards.
" you are so cute and funny " she said
" nah just clumsy " I replied
" yeah but you make up for it in hotness " she said
"Nooo your the hot one " I said giggling
We both laughed and finishe cleaning the broken glass. After that we didn't talk much because the chef made me clean the whole kitchen as punishment and Diana had to wait tables. At the end of my shift I was walking out the door to go home when I felt a Tunney hand grab my arm. I turned around to see Diana right behind me.
" hey " she said as she walked out the door " so do you want to come to my house and hang "
" umm..." I replied nervously
" it's ok my shift is over too " she said " and I can tell your new to this city so it would be good for you to make a new friend "
" ok " I said " yeah sure where do you live "
I waited on the porch as Diana struggled to find her key. It was chilly and the sky was getting darker. I turned and watched as Diana finally pulled out her key and started unlocking the door. The door opened and I slowly walked in with Diana leading.

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