Smoke out chapter 3

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When we last left Smoke and Gecky were off to find some allies they are now walking trough some thick  . "So Gecky what are these friends of yours like" Smoke asked ? "Well there is a serious water type Hydro and a funny flying type named Ace (authors comment yes I know how common these names are ". )but were going to meet an electric type named Thunder" replied Gecky . "Oh cool we get to meet some new friends" Smoke said enthusiastically ! "Well there not all that good like Hydro is a serious buzz kill by the way don't let his fangs scare you" Gecky said . Smoke then laughed nervously "why are they big" Smoke asked ? "Nah  forget I said anything "Gecky said smiling slyly . " What about the others" Smoke asked ? "Well ace dives bomb people a lot and Thunder constantly zaps people" Gecky said You'll find out soon enough" . "Wait why" Smoke asked ? "Cause we are here" Gecky said creepily . Thunder echoed in the background Smoke stopped in his tracks . "Well where is here exactly" Smoke asked ? "This is boom mountain let's keep walking no point standing at the entrance" Gecky said running ahead . "Wait for me" Smoke yelled running behind Gecky ! "Well how do even know team rocket " smoke asked Gecky after he caught up to her ?" Well it began long" Gecky began when she got cut off by thunder. When Smoke  heard it he began to hug Gecky ." What are you doing Gecky" asked angrily ! "Awww Gecky has a boy friend' said a mysterious Pokémon with a blue face a black bottom and a star tail . "Crap well anyway Smoke meet Thunder the Shinx " Gecky said slightly annoyed. "Nice to meet you Thunder" Smoke said holding out his claw . "Likewise" Thunder said putting his tail in Smoke's claw and zapping him . "Nice zap" Smoke said dazed . Everyone laughed a little . Back at Charicific Valley Rocket Base . "Batch did you have any problems with that female Charizard today it is such a pain" Cassidy asked ? "First MY NAME IS BUTCH NOT BATCH ! Second the answer is yes she attacked and freed that feral male Charizard you know the one that took forever to capture" Butch said ."Aghhh like I said complete pain we need to capture it so Team Rocket will be unstoppable Cassidy said evilly ! "Well I saw it had a injury on its right wing" Butch said looking at reports. "Really" Cassidy said evilly. Will Smoke gather all his friends in time? What is Cassidy planning? Why can't anyone get Butch's name right it's not that hard it is so simple ? Smoke out .

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