Blood?On the first day?

37 2 15

As I get dressed I notice everything seems brighter. The sun,the white dress I am about to put on. Wait what am thinking, I am going to train not dance with Jesse.
           As get to the dinning table at my place there is a ceramic bowl, which is filled with cereal. As I sit down my mother sits next to me and smiles.
          "Hey mom, did I ever have crush as you know a 7 year old?" I ask as casual as I can.
       "Yes you did. His name was Jesse polkentower . He had a crush on you too. In fact when he found out about your reintegration he was the first to sign up. He was the boy you where asking me about yesterday." She replies with a smile.
         "Oh ok."I say as I stand up and leave the table. As I enter my car I suddenly remember where to go. I have memorized the way to the society.
        As get out of my car I see Jesse get out of his. I wave but he doesn't see me.
        "Hey wait for me!" I shout in his derection. He looks at me like I am a stranger. I technically am but not completely. I run his way because I don't know how to get into the society.
           "Hi ,you must be Jezebel." He says. I like the deep voice that he has. His hazel eyes ans his black hair.  'I need to stop' I think to myself. I need to focus at the task at hand. Training. Not that he is attractive. "Really?" He says as he looks at my little white dress.
           "Well I didn't know what we were going to do." I replied. He rolls his eyes and leads me to the society's front desk. The desk is white. I see an elderly woman working at the front desk. Why? Don't they have retirement plans for shadows? I wonder.
           "I she new Jesse?" The elderly woman asks. I nod. She nods and gives me a card with my face on the front and my info on the back. Everything on the card is accurate. How did they know that I love The Beatles? Or how I love to write poems? I think it was either Jesse or my mom.
         "This way." Jesse says as we leave the front desk. I follow him to a room. The room is completely white. In the room there is a suit that is equipped with knifes and a gun.
        "Put the suit on right here,right now." Jesse says as a little shock wave comes down my spine.
        "In front of you?" I ask.
         "Why yes part of training is trusting your fellow shadows." He replies. "Besides its your first time putting on gear." He adds.
        "Did you get my letter and flowers?"he asks.  As I put on the suit he zips it up from the back. I look at him he leans closer. I do too. Our lips almost tuch when someone walks into the room.

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