Sync Ch. 8

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Neither of us spoke on the way back to my house. I just pointed to show him to my house. He pulled into the driveway and stared at my house for a moment.

“It’s pretty big.” He mentioned awkwardly. I looked up and realized it seemed like no one was home.

“Come in for a while. I don’t think anyone’s home. Not that anyone would care if they were home.”

“Okay.” He sounded uncomfortable but still came in with me.

We walked to the front door, hoping for him to make a quick get away if anyone was home. Neither of us stopped to call in to see if anyone was home, that was too smart. Instead, we just walked into the kitchen, checking around corners to see if anyone was there.

My mom was standing there, mixing something in a giant bowl when we walked in.

“Oh dear god, no.” I mumbled, closing my eyes. This wasn’t going to turn out well.

“Hello, Hannah!” She turned and saw Deveon and me frozen in the doorway to the kitchen. “Oh…you have a friend!”

“Um, yeah. Mom, this is Deveon. Deveon, this is my mom.” I said, my face turning an embarrassing color of red.

“Deveon, that’s a very exotic name! I really like it!” My mother exclaimed, shaking Deveon’s hand. He nodded, smiling brightly.

“He’s a synchronized swimmer too,” I was hoping to steer my mom away from her want to show him naked baby pictures. She’s done it to all of my friends, the last thing I need is Deveon seeing me naked.

“Oh really! I have to go get her synchro pictures from when she was younger! Remember that show suit you had? The one with the fur?” My mom touched my arm, looking at Deveon.

Of course, sometimes I think my mom only photographs my embarrassing moments.

She walked off to find the pictures, leaving Deveon and me alone at the island in the middle of the kitchen, sitting on really uncomfortable chairs. He smiled at me widely.

“This is going to be fun.” He leaned over and whispered in my ear. As much as I hated to do it, I laughed.

“Um, excuse me,” It was Erik. He tapped on Deveon’s shoulder.

“Oh, hey little guy.” Deveon patted a hand on Erik’s shoulder.

Erik ripped it off.

“What are you doing here? Stand up,” He pulled Deveon off the stool.

“Um, Hannah invited me over.”

“So you two are together?” Erik walked around Deveon, looking him up and down. Mitchell was standing directly in front of Deveon, staring him down.

“Erik!” I yelled, standing up.

“Hannah, sit down. I can handle him.” Deveon waved at me, staring at Erik who was now standing in front of him.

“How old are you?” Erik shot at him.


“What college are you going to go to?”

“Ohio State.”

“How many girlfriends have you had?”


Erik paused for a moment. “Nice!” He high-fived Deveon before Mitchell put a hand on Erik’s should, moving him out of the way.

“What’s my sister’s favorite color?” He asked. Deveon turned and smiled at me before turning back to Mitchell.

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