Chapter 9

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Chaptner Nine

Kimberley takes her clothes to the bathroom while I stay in the bedroom. I slip off her dressing gown, and look down at meself. I sigh heavily. Me skin is not olive toned; smooth and glowing like it used to be. Instead it's a messy patchwork quilt of blue and purple and green. Broken, fragmented. Ugly. I hate what I've become. A shell of what I used to be. Barely human. Inside and out, I was a dissapointment to everyone. Me mam would be ashamed.

I sigh. I have to get on with it, Kimberley will be done soon.

I pick up me dress. I really love it. I slip it over me head and pull it down carefully, trying to avoid me hair. I adjust it and brush it down over me body. I step into me black heels carefully, not having much experience with them. I take a few wobbly steps over to the full length mirror beside the door. I barely recognise meself. Kimberley has transformed us into something I never thought I could be. And even if it's only for tonight, I'm happy. I can walk out into a public place and not feel as though everyone is watching and judging. I can stand on a crowded platform of sociability without losing me way. All because of Kimberley. I've only known that girl properly for a few days and she's already done so much for us. I'll always owe her.

A light tap on the door.

'Babe, you decent?'

'Yeah I'm ready!'

She opens the door, and I can do nothing to prevent me jaw from hitting the floor. She looks absoultely gorgeous. She's wearing a black dress with sequined cross patterns similar to mine, and it's clingy, hugging all the right dips and curves of her gorgeous body, stopping half way up her thigh. She's matched it with plain black heels also similar to mine and some black tights. Me mouth is still hanging open and I yet again can't find the words to tell her how amazing she looks. I'm pretty sure I'm staring at her more than a friend should, but as I look up into her face, I find her doing the same. She looks up and catches me gaze.

'Cheryl, you look amazing!'

'I - I thanks. You .. you' She giggles. She walks over to us and pulls us into a hug.

'Thank you.' She breathes onto me neck. We stand there for a minute until she pulls away. 'We've got half an hour until the taxi is coming, drinks?'

'Yeah alright.' 

She takes me hand and pulls us down the corridor into the kitchen.

'Shots?' She grins, a twinkle in her eyes.

'I can't babe, I'm on the drugs remember!'

'Oh yeah! Never mind, we'll just have coke yeah?'

'No. Kimberley you can have what you want, its fine! I want you to have a good time.'

'Really? Are you sure?'


'Ok, well I'm not doing shots on my own thats just sad!' She pours us a glass of diet coke before pouring herself a vodka and coke. 'Here y'are babe.'



'Cheers.' We clink our glasses together before falling into a comfortable silence. I wonder how tonight is going to pan out. I reckon this Sarah will be quite fun. I wonder if Kimberley is any different when she is with her. Or when she's on alchohol.

'What's this Sarah like then, Kimba?'

'Oh my god.' I laugh as she covers her face with her palm. 'I swear, I love that girl.. but my God is she insane! And she's even worse on booze! I advise you to brace yourself for this evening, it could be a wild one. Well, it probably will be!'

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