Chapter 15

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Chapter Fifteen

We’re somewhere. I don’t know where. In the middle of nowhere. The only thing I know is that it’s beautiful. A clear, glistening lake that stretches for miles in front of us, teaming with colourful, graceful under water life occasionally leaping from their forté and disturbing the still surface. It’s all I can see, besides the picturesque backdrop of green, green land topped with the tallest mountains. That, and the most gorgeous human being sat beside us, paddling her little feet in the sun drenched water and giggling gently as the sand tickles between her toes. I look out, and I don’t believe I have ever seen such a beautiful sight as the orange glow of sunset spreads across the evening sky, leaving a bewitching reflection in the tinted swell. And I conclude that I’ve never felt as happy as I do now. Now, sitting with the soul source of happiness in me life in the most scenic place ever to have graced me vision, I figure I’m there. I’ve made it. I have me love and me life sorted, I’m in me happy place. And for some strange reason, I feel like no one can change that. Despite the niggling awareness that they can. Of course they can. But not right now. Because right now we're in our little bubble of dream world, and the only thing that matters to us is my girl.

She lets out a particularly loud giggle and nudges us gently.

‘Cheryl, look!’ She’s hunched over, as far forward as she can get, staring at her right foot intently. I follow her gaze and see a brightly coloured butterfly perched weightlessly on the arch of her foot. I look at her again. Her whole face is glowing from the beaming smile etched across it. Her eyes are twinkling ever so innocently. She is the embodiment of happiness. The epitome of beauty.

And then the creature takes off, seemingly shaken by the light salt spray that lashed up against Kimberley’s toes. And I watch the young girl’s smile falter, her expression droop ever so slightly.


‘Yeah, babe?’

‘Do you ever just wonder why life isn’t this perfect all the time?’

I sigh heavily and scoot closer to her, sliding an arm around her shoulders. She turns her head and her beautiful, soulful eyes are round as dish plates. Her eyebrows are tightly drawn together. She looks so vulnerable. Lost. I poke her gently in the ribs.

‘Don’t look at us like that! You look unbearably cute.’ She giggles slightly while swatting me hand away. ‘Yeah.’

‘Yeah, what?’

'Yeah I do wonder that. All the time. But as far as I’m concerned, as long as I have you I can get through any imperfection in me life. It will only go wrong if I lose you.’

She scrunches up her nose. ‘Aw, Chez.’

There are a few moments of peaceful silence between us as she turns her head back to her feet and wiggles her toes again happily. She pushes closer into me side and I squeeze her gently. Me mind is churning. I had just confessed me fears aloud, and she had done nothing to reassure them. Not intentionally I’m sure, but me brain still whirrs incessantly. The thought of losing Kimberley scares us so much that it actually brings a lump to me throat. I sniffle. She turns her head and looks up at us, pulling away to get a better angle on me face.

‘Cheryl? Baby, what’s wrong?’

‘It’s nothing-’

She slides away from me arm and gently brings her fingertips to me chin, tilting me face towards hers. ‘No, you look like you’re gonna cry. What is it?’

‘You… I’m not gonna lose you, am I?’ I search her eyes, desperate to find some kind of answer. Solace.

 'Oh Cheryl.’ Her concerned expression softens and she smiles almost exasperatedly as she brings her other hand to cup me face, leaning forward and placing a loving kiss on me forehead. ‘Of course you aren’t. Not if I have anything to do with it. Listen to me.’ I keep me eyes fixed on me hands as she speaks. ‘Hey,’ she drops her hands to mine and takes one in each of hers, squeezing them gently. ‘look at me.’ I do as I’m told, and I’m still stunned by her beauty. As always.

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