Chapter 17

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Chapter Seventeen

I can't believe I'm here! Back in the same little hotel room as before, waiting on the second round of auditions. This time, 100 of us have to sing and dance for the day while the judges rake through and dwindle the group down to twenty people for the next round. It's early morning and I'm picking our an outfit for the day ahead of us. Today, we basically have to repeat our first audition, straight up accapella singing, same song, same judges. That way they can apparently see what we're all 'like against the best of the worst'. I'm nervous as hell again, because me journey could be over before it's really started. I only just got here and I could be out by the second round. And soon enough I get to see what me competition is like. Size meself up against some potentially amazing voices and characters. It's nerve-wracking, to say the least.

I'm making me way to where this stage of the auditions are held, trying to stop me hands from trembling. Me hair decided it wanted to be messy today, and it's not like I can afford these posh straighteners or curlers that everyone seems to have. So I just tied two pig tails in me hair, hoping to get away with looking a bit cute.

As I reach the building I look up at the huge glass door and the pristine paint job and the decorative patterns. And I feel like I don't belong here. And I wonder how I got here. How I broke free from the painful, lifeless cycle that was me life back at 'home'. And I figure, in some twisted way, that it's thanks to Kimberley. The fact that she hurt us ironically made us stronger. Kicked us into gear and got us going again.

And it's funny because as I walk in, I experience one of those rare moments in life where something you never expected to happen, in your wildest dreams, happens. And it's like life has got you soaring on the fluffiest, lightest cloud for the soul purpose of the enjoyment in watching you fall. It's like life sets you up just to disappoint you. It's like it knows which buttons to press, the ones that will make you crumble.

I push the heavy door open with the sole intention of finding someone to talk to straight away, as I just know I'll go into meself otherwise. I'm guided down a corridor by a professional looking woman with a clipboard who ticks of me id number, and I'm faced with a gaggle of over-excited young guys and girls. I look to try and spot someone on their own, and I catch a glimpse of a lovely bronze cheek, crystal clear skin with it's owner's back turned to us. I walk towards the girl and notice that she's alone on the edge of them room. Perfect. I approach the back of her head and clear me throat.

'You've got lovely skin, what foundation do you use?'

As the girl turns I spread a smile across me face and she adorns one too.

They both fall as she turns completely, and the realisation hits the both of us.

'Che...Cheryl? Is it really you? Oh god...'

‘No. No I can't be here. I can't-' I turn to leave, thinking that no audition rejection can be more painful than having to speak to her again, but she grabs me hand and the sparks that used to fly are all still there. Just as lively. Just as intense.

'No, wait! Can we please talk?'

'Talk?! What is there to say?' Me voice raises involuntarily, and we attract some unwanted attention. Some disapproving, some concerned glances that nonetheless bother her.

And when she looks at us, I can see the sorrow in her big, brown pleading eyes. I can see the regret and the pain swimming around her orbs. And I'm surprised at how well I'm dealing with the situation. I can feel her hand trembling over mine in our grip, yet mine is interestingly still. I can see how nervous she is through the shake of her voice and the flitting of her eyes. The avoiding of eye contact.

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