Chapter 2

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The song attached is 'Eye of the Tiger', a song almost everyone knows. If not, I suggest you listen to it. I am basically only attaching this song for the hilarious mishearing. The lyrics say 'cream of the fight', rather than 'thrill of the fight', my best friend and I found it hilarious.

I wake up in the morning to Brandon yelling at me to get up. I look over at the clock. It's 9:30. We have to be to the airport by 12:30. We are going to leave at 11:00. I don't know what is going to happen exactly, but I don't want to go.

We are going to meet his best friend, Logan Parker, there.

Logan is 19, 2 years older than us. All I know about him is that he is a jerk. Him and his little sister is known by almost everyone that lives near the small towns surrounding the larger one they lived in. We live in a nearby town, so we don't go to school together. I remember when I first saw pictures of his little sister, Tori, she seems a bit... interesting? I guess that's the best way to put it. Her hair is always a different color, usually a shade of pink, her fashion choices are also quite interesting. She usually wears pink, and her outfit is always reveling. I have a hard time believing that she is only 15. She looks like 18-20.

By the time I actually get up and ready it's 10:30. A half hour. That's it. I barely had any time to prepare for this. I was given like an hour to pack. This is going way too fast. I just want to stay here and be a normal 17 year old, but that could never happen, for one my family is very rich, also, I don't think a 'normal' 17 year old can do a double back tuck.

I get downstairs with my suitcase, gym bag, and backpack. Brandon helps me put all of it the car we are driving there.

My parents left yesterday, so I haven't seen them in a little over a day. The last time I saw them they told me I had to basically take 6 months off from my normal life. They never talk to me, they make it quite obvious that Brandon is the favorite.

By the time we get all the bags in the car and all of that it's 10:57, so we decide to leave.

As we are driving away I look back at the house I won't see for 6 months. I never thought I would actually miss that house.

Brandon turns the radio on. It's a horrible pop song. What else would be playing?

I close my eyes and before I know it I'm sleeping.

I wake up to Brandon shaking me. Maybe this has all been a dream. A very cruel dream. Maybe I'm in my bedroom. I open my eyes and scan my surroundings. I'm in a car. So it's not a dream.

Who can blame me for thinking its a dream? Yesterday I was sitting in a classroom, today in stuck traveling the world. It sure feels like a dream. I wish it was a dream.

Brandon and I get out of the car and open up the trunk. We grab our stuff and enter the airport

We get though security and such, then we walk through the airport, trying to find where we need to go. Airports are really confusing, there are also too many people. I'm not surprised to find out the our gate it the one that is the furthest away. After what seems like forever we get to where we need to be. I have short legs, I walk slowly.

Eventually I spot Logan, I recognize him from pictures. Logan has brown eyes and brown hair. It's not my favorite, I prefer blue eyes and blonde hair, but it works for him.

I have never actually met Logan, but from what Brandon has told me about him he seems pretty cool, but from what other people say, I can tell you that he is awful. I don't even know if he knows I exist. Normally people don't talk about their siblings. The only reason we knew each other's friends growing up is because we were in the same grade, and the fact that we lived together also had something to do with it.

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