The journey begins

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Stephanie's POV:

I walked into the theater, already smiling ear to ear, I quickly got to my seat and texted my sister.

me: i'm here at the theater :)

Amelia : I want to hear about everything when you get back, and try to take pictures so I can post it on my fan account.

Amelia: you know that i'm not aloud to take pictures , but I will do my best.

Amelia: try to get a close of pic of Andy.

Me: you're such a creep

Amelia: it's called a fansie

I smiled when I saw this word " fansie" it's such a funny word, but why sister was a complete fansie, she was obsessed. If you asked her she could tell you the name of all the newsies, there age, who they played, their age, and who long they have been touring. I always made fun of her because she was so obsessed.I never really fangirl over them but I loved there music and knew most of the lryics. I especially loved the song " watch what happens", and it wasn't going to be that long until it was me singing it. The lights started to dim and I quickly texted my sister before turning my phone off.

Me: lights are dimming gtg!

Before I knew it, it was intermission, the show was amazing. Every boy had such amazing dancing skills, but I could not take my eyes off of Andy, I tried to focus on Katherine, the role I was soon to be playing, but it was hard to peel my eyes away. I turned on my phone and a bunch of texts popped up from Lexie.

Amelia: Was it good

Amelia: did you see Andy? Was he as gorgeous in real life?

Amelia: Come of Steph, answer me

Amelia: Steph

Amelia: hello

Amelia : did someone take ur phone?

God that girl needs to calm down. I quickly answered her because intermission was soon to be over and I knew that if I did not answer there would only be 50 more texts when I got back.

Me: It was amazing, and it's only intermission, stop texting me so much, I will call you when the show is over.

I saw the little bubble, and I knew that she was about to answer, she must have her phone right next to her.

Amelia : You better call! And i'm just excited for you!!!!!!!

Me: Ok :) gtg lights are dimming again!

The lights were dimmed and I turned my phone off, everyone was back in the theater, and then the music started up again,and my heart started to race.


I'm pretty sure that I cried during the show, it was so amazing how some boys dancing and singing can make you so emotional. I left the theater immediately, when bows started, and ran to the stage door. I was not the only one you had the smart idea of leaving the show during bows. People were already lined up by the stage door to meet the cast. I managed to push my way through and get near the front, and soon the cast started to come out. the first out was Ryan, he was pretty cute, and he seeme really nice, he looked really comical to. He made it down the line and got to me. He kinda looked at me for a few seconds, and my heart was racing, then he shook his head and said " sorry, you look familiar." he took my playbill and signed it and took and picture with me.

All the fansies around me were snapping pictures left and right, and squealing and saying things like " omg, did you see that?" and, " omg she is so lucky."

Soon the rest of the cast came out, they all signed my playbill and took pictures with me. The leads never came out, one fansie asked Ryan ( who played specs). he seemed so happy to be doing what he was doing and he seemed to be enjoying every minute of it. where were the leads. Ryan quickly answered, " they left a while ago they were worn out today", he said this so fast, he looked so uncomfortable, I wonder why.

I waited a little bit longer to see if Andy would come out, I waited because not only did I have to get a picture for Lexie, I kinda wanted to meet him myself. People were starting to leave and eventually it was just me and a big group of like 25 fansies. They all had posters with Andy on it,and what looked like presents for him. It took him a while so I called Lexie.

"Hey Amelia , i'm at the stage door waiting for Andy, but I got a picture with the rest on the newsies. But the leads left and never came on, I have no idea why though."

" What?! The leads didn't come out! Well at least you got the rest of the cast to sign your playbill and take pictures with." she sounded so hyper, and energetic.

"Yeah, that true, what have you been doing this whole time?" I said, just trying to start a conversation, because I did not want her to know I liked Andy.

" I have been texting you, looking on Newsie fan accounts, and drinking coffee."

" OK I think he is about to come out !"

"Steph-" I hung up on her before she could say anything else.

When he came out, his face was flushed and he looked like a mess, but still he came out with a smile on his face, and was excited to meet all of the fansies and me. " Hey everybody i'm sorry I took so long."

I don't know all of them did it, smiling looking so happy in every picture, and taking the time to talk to all of their fans. Andy stopped for everyone in that big group of girl fancies, he also opened their gifts right in front of them, so they could see his reaction. I did not see or hear anything that he said or what they gave him. He took about 100 pictures, I mean how pictures do you need people?! He thanked them all for coming and then he walked over to me. The minute he walked away from that fansie group, my palms got all sweaty, and I got really nervous all of the sudden. He came over to me and our eyes locked together. It seemed like timed stopped, his smile was so warm. I'm pretty sure I was smiling so big I looked like a retard.

Andy was the first to break the silence," Um, hi"

"hi", I said back

" um, do I know you from somewhere?"

" oh, I don't think so, I just moved here a few days ago." I started to twiddle with my hair. He just smiled at me and signed my playbill, and then he asked if I wanted to take a picture and of course I did. And then he asked if he could take a selfie of himself. I laughed and said, " go ahead go crazy."

He took my phone for a while and then he finally gave it back to me. Then his own phone buzzed. He took it out his pocket and then said, " it was so nice to meet you but I have to go.", he then looked at me and smiled, " bye."

I smiled right back at him," bye." He walked back into the theater and the minute he left, shit I should've told him I was going to be the new Katherine. I think that I might have just screwed every thing up, tomorrow was going to awkward at the first rehearsal.

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