Auditions and Bacon part 1

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Stephanie's POV:

"Of New York"  we all sung and stood in our ending spots  until the "badum"  and then I sat down smiling up at Ben and Ryan, waiting for their look of approval.

"That was so good!" They both exclaimed, along with the other boys complementing me on the things I did.

I smiled and got up and I told everyone, "I'm starving! Let's eat!"

"Same girl same." Tommy said.

"Let's go get sushi!", Ben said. We all just glared at him, "what?" he said, trying to make an innocent face.

"Sushi is a little expensive at the moment bc I only have a 20 on me, and my appetite right now is big enough to eat a horse." I told him.

"How about Subway?" Jacob asked.

"YAAASSSS SUBWAY", I said, then I jumped on Ryan's back and pointed to the door, " let's go to Subway and eat like kings", I said in my deep voice.

Ryan ran to the door and then stopped, "ummm..... did I ask for my horse to stop running?"

"This is your destination, because there is no way that I am carrying you down the stairs." Ryan told me. 

"uhhhhhh" I said before opening the door and running down the stairs screaming, " Whoever gets there last is a cotton headed ninny muffin!"

Soon all the boys were rushing down the stairs, I did not win, but I got Ryan's subway cookie, so it was all good.


"AHHHHH TODAY IS THE AUDITIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I screamed when I opened my eyes at 5 o'clock.

By 6 I was ready to go, even though the auditions were not until 9. Tommy woke up from the spot he was sleeping on the couch.

"Stephanie, you should go put on your clothes for the audition," he told me walking into the kitchen and grabbing the box of Honey Nut cheerios and walking back to the couch.

"I am dressed butt head."

His eyes widened and he stood up,"What?! Stephanie, honey those clothes are not how you want to be remembered when you walk into that audition."

"What's wrong with the clothes I'm wearing?" I asked I looked down at what I was wearing, an old t-shirt, nike shorts, and a pair of tennis shoes.... ok well maybe Tommy had a point.

"Come on", he said while grabbing my arm and pulling me out the apartment.

"Tommy, what the hell are you doing?" I said while he pulled me towards the elevator.

"There is a little store across the street and we are getting you something decent to wear for this audition, we all want you to get in, and we are all willing to do whatever it takes."


"Now this, is what you look like when you walk into an audition", Tommy said as I smiled and looked at myself in the mirror.

I was wearing, a blue top and the sleeve went down to the elbow, it was fitted, but not to tight, so I could dance in it, and black excersie type pants that went to my ankle, and Tommy had curled my blonde hair and it was pulled back in a cute little ponytail.

"I look.."

"Presentable?, clean? fresh? gorgeous?" Tommy said.

I slapped his arm and looked at the clock and saw that it was 9:00. My stomach did a flip and my heart was racing. 

"STEPHANIE!!! LETS GO!" Ben called from the kitchen.

"ALRIGHT MOM!" I screamed right back at him.


We pulled into the parking lot of the theater, it was only 9:10, and already people were lining up out of the lobby for auditions. My stomach felt sick and I felt like I was going to pass out.

"Ryan, I'm scared", I told him as we got out the car.

"Don't be nervous, and hey, if anybody bothers you, remember that we are all here for ya", he gestured to all of the boys, and I smiled as they all huddled around me as we started to walk toward the back entrance of the theater.

I didn't take that long before people started to notice us... well they boys. they just ignored all the fansies, which I felt bad, because Amelia was just like them and it made me think of her, and how she wasn't with me right now.

She got a job and she can't miss any days, except when sick.

Once we got inside standing there was the one and only Jeff.

Jeff.... the one who told me I didn't get the role as Katherine the first time I was sorta not really  in Newsies. Trust me, I have nothing against him, it's just kinda awkward.

"Stephanie Styles?" Jeff asked looking at me.

"Yup, the one and only" I said sorta awkwardly while rolling back on my heels.

"I am so glad that you decided to audition with us today, I believe that you have great things planned for you." he said, winking.


It's 10 o'clock and Jeff still isn't done with his speech about how the auditions are going to go,and how parents can leave, and just because the ask you to leave, it doesn't mean they won't get into the show ( which isn't true.) 

I was sitting against the wall, and my but hurt so bad. I look around the room that is full of kids my age, and around Amelia's age, and young boys wanting to audition for Les.

Mmm, something smells good, my stomach growls, and I realize that I didn't eat anything. I looked at the boy next to me and saw a boy behind me with a little brown bag in his hand. 

He smiled at me then opened his brown bag releasing the wonderful smell and said, "Hey, wanna piece of Bacon?"

I quietly laughed and expected his offer and saw that in the bag was about 30 pieces of bacon, man this child is strange but hey, he has free food, I took out 3 pieces and said, "Thanks, I'm Stephanie."

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